Marcos Ribeiro, Ivan Ribeiro, Caroline Silva Regina Guerra de Souza, Jéssica
Este artigo traça um comparativo entre as representações cinematográficas da mulher em Bollywood, das mais antigas, como Mãe Índia (1957) e Ramayana (1961), às mais atuais, como Piku (2015) e A voz do empoderamento (2022). Os filmes foram escolhidos de forma que fosse possível visualizar como as mulheres indianas eram vistas e consequentemente repr...
Silva, Letícia Alves Maia
TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Jornalismo. / O parto é um processo natural. Todos sabem o que significa. Seja qual for sua forma, foi um parto que trouxe cada um dos seres humanos ao mundo. Com o objetivo de apresentar o momento do parto de uma forma sensível, esse trabalho pretende abor...
Cruz, Leticia dos Santos
TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Socioeconômico, Economia. / Este trabalho aborda o empreendedorismo feminino sob a perspectiva da Economia Feminista, com o objetivo de analisar o fenômeno no Brasil, discutindo se ele compreende, para as mulheres, uma escolha dentre várias alternativas ou uma escolha pela falta de al...
Gallon, Shalimar
Purpose – The present study aimed to analyze the perception of executive women about the barriers experienced in their professional trajectory. Design/methodology/approach – Using a descriptive and qualitative approach, 30 Brazilian executive women were interviewed and the data were analyzed through content analysis. Findings – Obstacles in the adv...
Osorno Navarro, Mara Posada-Zapata, Isabel Cristina
Introduction: Violence is a public health problem that is growing every day; therefore, it is important to strengthen monitoring and risk management capabilities and to put an end to aggressions by respecting, protecting, and guaranteeing the rights of women and girls so that they can reach their full potential. Particular emphasis is placed on see...
Tórtola Moret, Ana Paricio Esteban, Pilar Puchalt López, María
Fashion sector presents its collections and articles through female bodies that act as a support and speaker for society using the media, mainly women's magazines. In this sense, advertising has used the female body for decades as a commercial claim and, although an evolution driven by the demands of the new generations is observed, models that con...
Oliveira de Araújo, Carla Manoela Silva, Luzia Wilma Santana da
This is an excerpt from a master's dissertation aimed at examining vulnerabilities in ethnic-racial relations that are related to the mental health of black women. The study, of a qualitative nature, was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of UESB and conducted between December 2021 and April 2022 at the Interdisciplinary Center for Studies a...
Coelho G da Silva, Sandra Célia
This article brings as an investigative object the authorial therapeutic program VIVA na V/IDA Mulheres (Live in Life, Women) and the Integrative Practices of Health Care (PICS). This is a bibliographic review study presented as a final requirement of the lato sensu postgraduate course in Integrative Health Care Practices (PICS) of an educational n...
Valladares, Cyntia
The militancy around the fight for the legalization of abortion in Argentina collided, in 2020, with the restrictions that limited social gatherings determined by the Preventive and Mandatory Social Isolation (ASPO) corresponding to the Covid-19 pandemic, affecting collective actions in the seizure of public space, characteristics of the movement. ...
Farias, Renata Pereira Santos, Suely Emilia de Barros Marques, Clarissa
The objective of this article is to understand the meaning of sport for health, from the perspective of female soccer players impacted by the transposition of the São Francisco River, in the Sertão of Pernambuco. Born in the wanderings and extension actions of the TransVERgente Extension Program, this is a cartographic and phenomenological qualitat...