Kapp-Barboza, Aline Maria Miguel
Considering that the idea of knowledge provides an accessibility between linguistic and cognitive objects that is only meaningful through the notion of use, since the knowledge does not occur outside the significant experiences of the subject with the references from the world or from the human symbolic actions, the aim of this study is to describe...
Borge, Bruno
RESUMO Os debates sobre o Realismo Científico (RC) não só tiveram um começo e um desenvolvimento contemporâneos aos do Realismo Modal (RM) e Realismo Nomológico (RN), mas suas temáticas estiveram também profundamente entrelaçadas. Certa atitude realista em relação às teorias científicas tem sido muitas vezes acompanhada pela adoção de compromissos ...
Santos, Ana Lúcia Pessotto dos
Abstract : This dissertation describes a theoretical and experimental study on the meaning of the verbs  pode ,  deve , e  tem que . The analysis was based on results obtained via three questionnaires with which the intuitive judgments of Brazilian Portuguese (BP) native speakers were collected. The theoretical analysis was based on Kratzer ...
Santos, Valéria Cunha dos
Abstract : Based on studies on the categories of tense, aspect and modality (PALMER, 1986; BYBEE; PAGLIUCA; PERKINS, 1991; 1994; GIVÃ N, 2001; SWEETSER, 2001), we highlighted the grammaticalization process of future markers in some languages. Such a process involves implicatures (CHIERCHIA, 2003; LEVINSON, 2007; PINKER, 2008) and speech acts (SEARL...
Santos, Valéria Cunha dos
Abstract : Based on studies on the categories of tense, aspect and modality (PALMER, 1986; BYBEE; PAGLIUCA; PERKINS, 1991; 1994; GIVÓN, 2001; SWEETSER, 2001), we highlighted the grammaticalization process of future markers in some languages. Such a process involves implicatures (CHIERCHIA, 2003; LEVINSON, 2007; PINKER, 2008) and speech acts (SEARLE...
BASSI, Alessandra GÖRSKI, Edair Maria
Sob uma perspectiva teórica funcionalista que busca identificar padrões de uso linguístico que se originam e se estabelecem nas situações comunicativas, o presente estudo investiga a multifuncionalidade do item linguístico "capaz", numa amostra sincrônica atual de fala de informantes gaúchos, captando uma trajetória de mudança semântico-pragmática ...
Maria Coelho, Sueli Paula Silva, Silmara Eliza de
Esta pesquisa investigou, numa perspectiva diacrônica, o processo de gramaticalização do verbo DAR na língua portuguesa, com o objetivo de traçar seu continuum de mudança gramatical. Tomando como objeto de análise um corpus constituído de 3.288 ocorrências do verbo selecionado pelo estudo, coletadas no banco de dados do Corpus do Português (DAVIES;...
Pessotto, Ana Lúcia
This thesis investigates de semantic contribution of 'pode' (third person, present tense of the possibility verb 'poder') and 'podia' (third person, past imperfect tense of the same verb) in Brazilian Portuguese (BP), when both are used in epistemic future oriented contexts. Based on Kratzer's (1981, 1991, 2008, 2010) proposals about context depend...
Reis, Diana Liz
This research analyzes the use of the future subjunctive verb in Portuguese oral samples synchronous. Through the theoretical perspective of the american funcionalism, the future subjunctive was seen as an irrealis verb form that inter-relates directly to the modality propositional and the discursive context in which it appears, often under the dom...
Martins, Jaqueline Liberali Fiamoncini, Rafaela Assumpçao, Cláudio de Oliveira