Since the last decade, increasing importance has been given in the European Union to environmental concerns and sustainable development. This trend has led to consider grazing management not only as a way to transform primary production into meat or milk, but also as a tool to move grassland, rangeland or woodland trajectories towards higher biodiv...
Loustau, Denis Radoglou, Kallioppi Laitat, Eric Linder, Sune Karjalainen, Timo Lindner, Marcus
Labat, David Goddéris, Yves Probst, Jean-Luc Guyot, Jean-Loup
Ongoing global climatic change initiated by the anthropogenic release of carbon dioxide is a matter of intense debate. We focus both on the impact of these climatic changes on the global hydrological cycle and on the amplitude of the increase of global and continental runoff over the last century, in relation to measured temperature increases. In t...
Rémy, Sandrine Prudent, Pascale Hissler, Christophe Probst, Jean-Luc Krempp, Gérard
River bottom sediments and soils were collected from the industrialized Thur River basin (north-eastern France) to assess mercury contamination. The regional geochemical background level of total mercury was evaluated to calculate mercury contamination factors (Fc) in soils and river bottom sediments. Our estimate of the mean background mercury lev...
Mortatti, Jefferson Probst, Jean-Luc
Using the data of the CAMREX project (1982–1984) on the water geochemistry of the Amazon river and its main tributaries, it was possible to assess the silicate rock weathering processes and the associated consumption of atmospheric/soil CO2, taking into account seasonal and spatial variations. This study confirms the important role of the Andes in ...
Peylin, Philippe Gurney, Kr Law, Rm Denning, As Rayner, Pj Baker, D. Bousquet, P. Bruhwiler, L. Chen, Yh Ciais, P.
Spatial and temporal variations of atmospheric CO2 concentrations contain information about surface sources and sinks, which can be quantitatively interpreted through tracer transport inversion. Previous CO2 inversion calculations obtained differing results due to different data, methods and transport models used. To isolate the sources of uncertai...
Viville, Daniel Probst, Anne Ladouche, Bernard Idir, Samir Probst, Jean-Luc Bariac, Thierry
The hydrological behaviour Of the small (0.8 km2)granitic Strengbach catchment (Vosges mountains, Eastern France)was investigated during an intensive summer rainfall event (30mm) by hydrological, isotopic and chemical measurements of streamflow components. [puissance]18 O, Si, DOC were selected to asses the different contributing sources using mass...
Aumont, Olivier Orr, James C. Monfray, Patrick Ludwig, Wolfgang Amiotte Suchet, Philippe Probst, Jean-Luc
Contreversy surrounds the role of the ocean in interhemispheric transport of carbon. On one hand, observations in the atmosphere and in the ocean both seem to imply that the preindustrial ocean transported up to 1 Pg Cyr-¹ from the Northern to the Southern Hemisphere. On the other hand, three dimensional (3-D) ocean models suggest that global inter...
Aubert, Dominique Stille, Peter Probst, Anne
Very few studies deal with REE (rare earth element) mobility within the system soil–soil solution–streamwater. In this article, we try to characterize the fractionation and the migration of the REE in a granite-derived soil system located in a small catchment of the Vosges mountains. ICP-MS and TIMS measurements were performed on both solid samples...
Le Dréau, Yveline Gilbert, Franck Doumenq, Pierre Asia, Laurence Bertrand, Jean-Claude Mille, Gilbert
Alterations in the composition of a Light Arabian crude oil has been studied in situ during 12 months in an artificially contaminated site. After 12 months of experimentation, C17/Pr and C18/Ph ratios could not be used, because the isoprenoïds were no longer stable. In contrast, a high degree of stability of biomarkers, especially hopanes, was obse...