Villar, Marc Chamaillard, Sylvain Barbaroux, Cécile Bastien, Catherine Brignolas, Franck Faivre-Rampant, Patricia Fichot, Régis Forestier, Olivier Jorge, Véronique Rodrigues, Stéphane
Populus nigra L. is one important species of the european alluvial forests, that are protected under Habitats directive 92/43/EEC in Europe. This species is often regarded as good indicator of geomorphological and biological quality of this ecosytem and is an active support of riparian biodiversity. This species is threatened by anthropogenic distu...
Larrieu, Laurent Guinberteau, Jacques Rigou, Laurent Abourouh, Mohamed Zimmerlin, Anaïs Corriol, Gilles Bonet, José-Antonio De Aragon, Juan Martinez Martinez Pena, Fernando Rondet, Jean
L’analyse des répartitions chorologiques et écologiques des Boletus de la section Edules montre qu’il s’agit d’espèces à large amplitude, depuis l’Afrique du nord jusqu’au Nord du Boréal. Pour chacune des espèces du groupe, cette large répartition s’accompagne d’une grande diversité à la fois des plantes-hôtes, des habitats et des conditions édaphi...
Gomez, Cécile Bailly, Jean Stéphane Baret, Frederic Coulouma, Guillaume
Hyperspectral imagery is considered as a promising source of data to overcome the lack of soil information that often hamper digital soil mapping. We have tested it in the vineyard plain of Languedoc (southern France) using an 5×5m resolution HYMAP image and 52 calibration-validation points. Satisfactory predictions of clay content and calcium carb...
Inoue, Yoshio Kiyono, Yoshiyuki Asai, Hidetoshi Ochiai, Yukihito Qi, Jiaguo Olioso, Albert Shiraiwa, Tatsuhiko Horie, Takeshi Saito, Kazuki Dounagsavanh, Linkham
In the tropical mountains of Southeast Asia, slash-and-burn (S/B) agriculture is a widely practiced and important food production system. The ecosystem carbon stock in this land-use is linked not only to the carbon exchange with the atmosphere but also with food and resource security. The objective of this study was to provide quantitative informat...
Sheeren, David Bastin, Gary N. Ouin, Annie Ladet, Sylvie Balent, Gérard Lacombe, Jean-Paul
While small, fragmented wooded elements do not represent a large surface area in agricultural landscape, their role in the sustainability of ecological processes is recognized widely. Unfortunately, landscape ecology studies suffer from the lack of methods for automatic detection of these elements. We propose a hybrid approach using both aerial pho...
Wingate, Lisa Ogée, Jérôme Cuntz, Matthias Genty, Bernard Reiter, Ilja Seibt, Ulli Yakir, Dan Maseyk, Kadmiel Pendall, Elise G. Barbour, Margatet M.
Improved global estimates of terrestrial photosynthesis and respiration are critical for predicting the rate of change in atmospheric CO2. The oxygen isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2 can be used to estimate these fluxes because oxygen isotopic exchange between CO2 and water creates distinct isotopic flux signatures. The enzyme carbonic anhyd...
Robinet, Christelle Liebhold, Andrew
Given the increasing number of biological invasions, there is a crucial need to identify life history traits that promote invasion. Invasiveness reflects capabilities for both establishment after introduction and spread following establishment. In this paper, we explore, via simulation, the interacting effects of dispersal and Allee effects on both...
Pimont, François Dupuy, Jean-Luc Linn, Rodman R. Dupont, Sylvain
The wildfire model FIRETEC simulates the large coherent eddies of the wind-flows induced by the canopy. It has been qualitatively validated in its ability to simulate fire behavior, but there is still a need to validate physical submodels separately. In the present study, the dynamics and turbulence of the flow simulated by FIRETEC are validated in...
Magnani, Federico Dewar, Roderick Borghetti, Marco
Leakage (spillover) refers to the unintended negative (positive) consequences of forest carbon (C) management in one area on C storage elsewhere. For example, the local C storage benefit of less intensive harvesting in one area may be offset, partly or completely, by intensified harvesting elsewhere in order to meet global timber demand. We present...
Dupont, Sylvain Brunet, Yves