Probst, Jean-Luc Ortlieb, Luc Faure-Denard, Liliane
The French National Committee of INQUA, the IGCP Project n° 459 (Carbon Cycle and Hydrology in the Paleo Terrestrial Environments),the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), the CCGM (Commission de la Carte Géologique du Monde), the IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement), and the BRGM (Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Mi...
Dedieu, Benoit Gibon, Annick Ickowicz, Alexandre Tourrand, Jean-François
L'élevage d'herbivores est une des activités les plus répandues sur la planète. Il peut être considéré comme producteur d'aliments pour la population, producteur de gaz à effet de serre ou plus généralement comme le maillon d'une filière globale d'échanges et de circulation. Il est également nécessaire de le considérer sous l'angle de sa contributi...
Choisis, Jean-Philippe Sourdril, Anne Deconchat, Marc Balent, Gérard Gibon, Annick
Les Coteaux de Gascogne constituent un des terrains de recherche sur l’avenir des paysages ruraux et la durabilité de la gestion des ressources naturelles. Cette petite région du Sud-Ouest de la France est historiquement fondée sur un système social dit « à maison » caractérisé par une permanence des patrimoines fonciers et des exploitations agrico...
Le Roux, Gaël De Vleeschouwer, François
This article provides a brief review of protocols used in peat inorganic geochemistry. We emphasise the key issues that could lead to inter-comparison problems. For each section (drying, grinding, non-destructive analyses, acid digestions and destructive analyses), recommendations are provided to guide the reader through an idealised protocol, whic...
Gibon, Annick Sheeren, David Monteil, Claude Ladet, Sylvie Balent, Gérard
Natural reforestation of European mountain landscapes raises major environmental and societal issues. With local stakeholders in the Pyrenees National Park area (France), we studied agricultural landscape colonisation by ash (Fraxinus excelsior) to enlighten its impacts on biodiversity and other landscape functions of importance for the valley soci...
The goal of this study was to analyse (i) the distribution and seasonal dynamics of a carabid species Pterostichus melanarius (Illiger) in a changing mosaic of crops and semi natural elements, and (ii) the influence of this distribution on the biological control of aphids in cereals and pea by this carabid species. Pitfall traps were used to charac...
Ruget, Françoise Moreau, J.C. Ferrand, M. Poisson, S. Gate, P. Lacroix, B. Lorgeou, J. Cloppet, E. Souverain, F.
The effects of climate change on forage and crop production are an important question for the farmers and more largely for the food security in the world. Estimating the effect of climate change on agricultural production needs the use of two types of tools: a model to estimate changes in national or local climates and an other model using climatic...
Robinet, Christelle Roques, Alain
Effects of recent climate change have already been detected in many species, and, in particular, in insects. The present paper reviews the key impacts of global warming on insect development and dispersal. The effects of climate change appear to be much more complex than a simple linear response to an average increase in temperature. They can diffe...
Oddou-Muratorio, Sylvie Bontemps, Aurore Klein, Etienne K. Chybicki, Igor Vendramin, Giovanni G. Suyama, Yoshihisa
The comparison between estimates of historical gene flow, using variance in allelic frequencies, and estimates of contemporary gene flow, using parentage assignment, is expected to provide insights into ecological and evolutionary processes at work within and among populations. Genetic variation at microsatellite loci was used to quantify genetic s...