Bueno Ochoa, Luis
Fear is considered a negative emotion that is commonly associated with a catastrophic vision. However, the world of law favors refering such as an equivocal fear. At last, fear and hope are reconciled both from La Difficulté d’être and from The Courage to Be. / El miedo es considerada una emoción negativa que se asocia, comúnmente, con una visión c...
Kajsajuntti, Sven
This essay is a study of the novel El Señor Presidente, written by Miguel Ángel Asturias andpubliced 1946. It falls under the subgenre the novel of the dictator. My intentions of this studie iscentered arround the concept of fear, which I metaforically link to the human anatomy. I intend toanalyze how this fictive dictatorial system effects its cit...
Kajsajuntti, Sven
This essay is a study of the novel El Señor Presidente, written by Miguel Ángel Asturias andpubliced 1946. It falls under the subgenre the novel of the dictator. My intentions of this studie iscentered arround the concept of fear, which I metaforically link to the human anatomy. I intend toanalyze how this fictive dictatorial system effects its cit...
Manino, Marcia Muriel
Imaginarios políticos del miedo en la narrativa colombiana reciente de Orfa Kelita Vanegas Vásquez (2020) nos propone un corpus de novelas del siglo XXI que permiten adentrarnos, a partir de modalidades estéticas particulares, a una realidad afectiva atravesada por la violencia y el miedo en Colombia. El interés por las emociones que pueblan la vid...
Guerrero Robles, Bertha Ariana
The COVID-19 pandemic has not only brought consequences on human body health, but also on psychological health and on the elderly, the latter as a population at high risk of suffering the attacks of this pandemic due to their ages and associated comorbidities. , which has led in conjunction with social isolation and quarantine, feelings of depressi...
Carreño Moreno, Sonia Patricia Chaparro Díaz, Lorena Cifuentes, Cristian D. Perilla Portilla, Freddy Elías Viancha Patiño, Erika Ximena
Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the emotional health of human resources in health care, despite having knowledge about the virus and its management, health care personnel, including nurses, have shown stress and fear of Covid-19. Objective. To describe and correlate the level of fear, stress, knowledge, attitudes and practices reg...
Méndez Fierros, Hugo Reyes Piñuelas, Erika Paola
The COVID-19 pandemic generated transformations in different areas of human life and socio-digital communication is central to its understanding. Users who post comments in the media and networks contribute elements to the social construction of reality. The objective was to interpret, through content analysis, representations of 1303 users of four...
Baptista, Marcus Pierre de Carvalho Nascimento, Francisco de Assis de Sousa Baptista, Elisabeth Mary de Carvalho
In 1856, the president of the province of Piauí, in his management report presented to the Provincial Legislative Assembly, recorded the incidence of a horrible scourge in Brazil, emphasizing that, due to divine providence, it had not yet arrived in Piauí lands. This scourge was cholera. Thus, in a context of the ill empire, Piauí faced epidemics o...
Luján Baldó, Maria Julia
[ES] Este trabajo pretende abordar el miedo en las personas a través de la obra literaria de Lovecraft. Se ha escogido una selección de cuentos de este autor para ilustrar lo. Se puede hablar de dos tipos de miedo: racional e irracional. Este trabajo se ha centrado en el miedo irracional. Con este tipo de miedo , el trabajo se acercará a la figura ...
Sanchis Cambra, Sara
[ES] El cine de terror es conocido por su voluntad de provocar en el espectador sentimientos como lo son la repugnancia, el miedo o la incomodidad. Sus argumentos destacan por la introducción de una fuerza externa, de origen sobrenatural, que altera la cotidianeidad en la que vive el protagonista. El presente estudio aspira a analizar los elementos...