Orioles, Vincenzo
Coseriu's reflection on interlingual contact fits coherently into the Romanian scholar's overall theoretical edifice, recalling and confirming its cornerstones and main antinomies. Thus, for example, exogenous influences come into play against the background of his conception of linguistic change and, in particular, the dialectic between 'innovatio...
Simons, Hugo
Parmi les œuvres suétoniennes qui sont parvenues jusqu’à nos jours, les Vies des Douze Césars sont l'objet d'un vif intérêt des philologues. Cette étude consiste en une analyse des commentaires métalinguistiques à l’aune du témoignage d’autres auteurs anciens. Ces commentaires, qu’ils s’appliquent au strict contenu des discours ou au-delà pour s’in...
Herreman, Alain
This article proposes a presentation of and a discussion on Roy Harris’ Integrational Linguistics. We begin by summarizing the “language myth” characterization, the criticism addressed to it, and the integrational principles proposed in response. The integrational theses and arguments are then confronted with the results of several studies on the s...
Zarri, Gian
We deal in this paper with the transition from the RESEDA's metalanguage, expressly created for dealing with historical information concerning the French Humanism in the 14th and 15th Centuries, to NKRL, a knowledge representation language for dealing with "narrative" information in general. We have then tried to show that this passage, without com...
Zarri, Gian
We deal in this paper with the transition from the RESEDA's metalanguage, expressly created for dealing with historical information concerning the French Humanism in the 14th and 15th Centuries, to NKRL, a knowledge representation language for dealing with "narrative" information in general. We have then tried to show that this passage, without com...
Vestin, Johan
English education in Sweden tends to be viewed as a second language, rather than a foreign language. Therefore, it is generally expected that instruction is performed, and content is taught in English. However, previous research shows that English is generally not the sole language used, even in classrooms with explicit “English only” policies. The...
Vernaudon, Jacques
L'utilisation du tahitien comme langue d'alphabétisation depuis le début 19 e siècle a généré un discours réflexif sur sa grammaire et un vocabulaire métalinguistique destiné à le décrire. Notre contribution vise à rendre compte de l'évolution de la métalangue utilisée à l'école pour enseigner cette langue, à partir d'un corpus de documents authent...
Zago, Carlos Eduardo dos Santos
According to the specialized critical studies on Hilda Hilst, it can be observed that there is little information about the historical, social and political features in her literature; therefore, this thesis intends to develop an interpretative reading, more materialistic, when based on essays about Brazil and mainly associated with Walter Benjamin...
Zago, Carlos Eduardo dos Santos
According to the specialized critical studies on Hilda Hilst, it can be observed that there is little information about the historical, social and political features in her literature; therefore, this thesis intends to develop an interpretative reading, more materialistic, when based on essays about Brazil and mainly associated with Walter Benjamin...
Zago, Carlos Eduardo dos Santos
According to the specialized critical studies on Hilda Hilst, it can be observed that there is little information about the historical, social and political features in her literature; therefore, this thesis intends to develop an interpretative reading, more materialistic, when based on essays about Brazil and mainly associated with Walter Benjamin...