Kim, Jihwi Hill, Michael R
This work develops a method to predict crack face contact under linear elastic conditions with application to fatigue crack growth in a residual stress bearing body. Residual stress changes the shape of the crack faces in a cracked body and can cause crack face contact that affects fatigue crack growth. Earlier work shows that the weight function c...
Shoemaker, Trevor K Harris, Zachary D Smudde, Christine M Hill, Michael R Burns, James T
Damage tolerant structures require accurate fatigue crack growth rate models for life prediction. Central to these models are fracture mechanics similitude and empirically gathered growth rates. In this work, standard test methods failed to achieve similitude for 17-4PH stainless steel round-rod but succeeded for plate. Material product form differ...
Callison, Elizabeth Gose, James W Mychkovsky, Alexander G Buchanan, John R Mäkiharju, Simo A
Mixing of a two-phase flow through a gap connecting adjacent channels was investigated for a variety flow rates and two gap heights. The mixing was characterized by the amount of gross liquid and net gas mass transfer from one channel to the other. The liquid mixing through the gap was calculated based on the measured mass flow rates and dye tracer...
Cen, Jialiang Komvopoulos, Kyriakos
Abstract: A contact mechanics analysis of interfacial delamination in elastic and elastic-plastic homogeneous and layered half-spaces due to normal and shear surface tractions induced by indentation and sliding was performed using the finite element method. Surface separation at the delamination interface was controlled by a surface-based cohesive ...
Nakagawa, Seiji Zhang, Yida Eskandari-Ghadi, Mehdi Vasco, Donald W
Because of its simplicity and the ability to produce a stable, slow-propagating crack, the Double-Torsion (DT) method has been used widely for investigating the critical and subcritical propagation of a slow-propagating tensile (mode-I) crack. However, to determine the complex relationship between the crack velocity vc vs. the strain energy release...
Smudde, Christine M San Marchi, Christopher W Hill, Michael R Gibeling, Jeffery C
Localized heating and resulting temperature gradients during additive manufacturing (AM) create significant residual stress that influences mechanical behavior, such as fatigue performance. To quantify residual stress effects on fatigue crack growth in AM materials, crack growth rates parallel and perpendicular to the build direction in directed en...
Rodriguez, Angel F Mäkiharju, Simo A
Bubbly flow in bubble column reactors promotes mixing necessary for many chemical processes. We show that if superhydrophobic-coated material is introduced into a bubble column, there can be a substantial difference in gas holdup and earlier initiation of churn-turbulent flow which can alter larger-scale mixing without a need to change the superfic...
Martini, Ashlie Kim, Seong H
Eskandari-Ghadi, Mehdi Nakagawa, Seiji Deng, Hang Pride, Steve Gilbert, Benjamin Zhang, Yida
Fracture initiation and propagation in brittle materials is promoted in surface-reactive (sorptive) environments, a phenomenon known as subcritical crack growth (SCG). Laboratory measured crack-propagation velocity vs. stress intensity factor relationships typically exhibit highly nonlinear, multi-stage characteristics that are sensitive to environ...
Smudde, CM Gibeling, JC Hill, MR
Residual stress can significantly impact the fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR) observed in standard tests. In the present study, implementation of the on-line crack compliance (OLCC) method for determining the residual stress intensity factor, Kres, in FCGR tests is supported by validation data, details of novel data analysis methods, and strategies...