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with Measurement Study as keyword
Saroiu, Stefan Gummadi, Krishna P. Gribble, Steven D.
Published in
Multimedia Systems
The popularity of peer-to-peer multimedia file sharing applications such as Gnutella and Napster has created a flurry of recent research activity into peer-to-peer architectures. We believe that the proper evaluation of a peer-to-peer system must take into account the characteristics of the peers that choose to participate in it. Surprisingly, howe...
Röösli, Martin Frei, Patrizia Bolte, John Neubauer, Georg Cardis, Elisabeth Feychting, Maria Gajsek, Peter Heinrich, Sabine Joseph, Wout Mann, Simon
Published in
Environmental Health
BackgroundThe development of new wireless communication technologies that emit radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) is ongoing, but little is known about the RF-EMF exposure distribution in the general population. Previous attempts to measure personal exposure to RF-EMF have used different measurement protocols and analysis methods makin...