van Boekel, Mark (author)
High Manganese Austenitic Steel (HMnAS) is a novel steel exhibiting excellent mechanical properties at arctic temperatures. Defense Material Organisation (DMO) is interested in the feasibility of using HMnAS in their navy's ships alongside EH36 high-strength shipbuilding steel, using 307PF stainless steel weld filler metal.
The feasibility of using ...
Breukelman, H. J. (author) Hermans, M.J.M. (author) Santofimia, Maria Jesus (author) Hidalgo Garcia, J. (author)
Localised laser treatments enable the creation of sophisticated austenite/martensite mesostructures in Fe–Ni–C steel with the potential of achieving enhanced mechanical performance. The control of phase topology is essential to modify the properties of these structures on demand and requires a profound understanding of the effect of the processing ...
Claesson, Erik
Medium carbon low alloyed tool steels are used today in various areas to shape plastics, nonferrous metals, and steels, and they are crucial in the manufacturing industry. To be effective, tool steels must be strong and tough, and have high wear resistance and temperature stability. To achievethe desired properties, materials are alloyed so that se...
Kotasthane, Atharva
Powder metallurgy is a branch of metal forming technology where metal powders are used to manufacture parts and components. It is a flexible and economical technique for manufacturing complicated shapes. This present work focuses on press and sinter technology and forms a part of Höganäs’s efforts of modelling hardenability through quenching. It ai...
Romanov, Pavel Jahedi, Mohammad Petersson, Anders Moshfegh, Bahram Calmunger, Mattias
The demand for steel components with tailored properties is constantly growing. To obtain a specific variation of microstructures and mechanical properties along the component it must undergo a controllable cooling. One way to control the cooling rates along the component is by using different simultaneous water jet impingements on a hot austenitiz...
Dennisson, Kathryn
The objective, both presently and going forward, is to minimise the frequency and impact of physical errors by improving processes and techniques. By going from chemical composition to hardened steel with the use of thermodynamic computations and FEM-simulations creates the possibility of predicting the material properties far in advance before man...
Penfornis, Corentin
Dans le cadre de l'étude de l'usure abrasive, l'impact de la variation de la morphologie de la microstructure à composition, proportion des phases, macro-dureté et rugosité fixées sur le comportement en frottement et en usure des aciers dual-phase ferrite-martensite a clairement été montré par des travaux précédents. Cependant, la réalisation de mi...
Macchi, Juan
Martensitic steels have been known and used for millennia now, but the origins of their strength and work hardening have remained a source of controversy. Since few years, the understanding of their mechanical behavior is changing paradigm. Many researchers have put into evidence the interest not to describe lath martensite as an homogeneous micros...
Massard, Quentin
De nos jours, la production de pièces en acier par fabrication additive (FA) est un sujet central dans le monde de l’industrie, y compris l’automobile. En effet, les possibilités qu’offrent la fabrication additive sont diverses et nombreuses (allègement, formes complexes, …). Le 100Cr6 est un acier à hautes performances mécaniques, principalement u...
Huang, Liangzhao Maugis, Philippe
Thermodynamic and kinetic properties of carbon (C) atoms in body-centered tetragonal iron (Fe) are investigated by using Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. Pairwise interactions between carbon atoms are obtained by combining the linear elasticity theory and the state-of-the-art results from density functional theory (DFT). This energy database is applie...