Wegley Kelly, Linda Nelson, Craig Petras, Daniel Koester, Irina Quinlan, Zachary Arts, Milou Nothias, Louis-Felix Comstock, Jacqueline White, Brandie Hopmans, Ellen
Metabolites exuded by primary producers comprise a significant fraction of marine dissolved organic matter, a poorly characterized, heterogenous mixture that dictates microbial metabolism and biogeochemical cycling. We present a foundational untargeted molecular analysis of exudates released by coral reef primary producers using liquid chromatograp...
Anderson, Kyra
Intertidal habitats are characterized by dynamic, tidally-driven fluctuations in abiotic and biotic factors. Many of the environmental stressors that vary across the intertidal (e.g., temperature, oxygen, food availability, predation pressure) are strong drivers of metabolic rate in ectotherms. As such, we predicted that there may be pronounced dif...
Hardy, Andrew Lee
Hybridization offers unique insight into the evolutionary process of speciation and the forces that maintain barriers to reproduction. In northeast Florida, a hybrid zone between two species of killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus and F. grandis, has been identified near Flagler Beach, FL, although the exact boundaries of the hybrid zone remain unknown...
Dykstra, James C. van Oort, Jelle Yazdi, Ali Tafazoli Vossen, Eric Patinios, Constantinos van der Oost, John Sousa, Diana Z. Kengen, Servé W.M.
Abstract Background Ethyl acetate is a bulk chemical traditionally produced via energy intensive chemical esterification. Microbial production of this compound offers promise as a more sustainable alternative process. So far, efforts have focused on using sugar-based feedstocks for microbial ester production, but extension to one-carbon substrates,...
Tanner, James Silas
Concentrations of the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll a are used as a proxy for phytoplankton biomass by estuarine scientists to study eutrophication, food web dynamics, and harmful algal blooms. Coastal managers use chlorophyll as an indicator of nutrient pollution and for assessments to meet Clean Water Act standards. Chlorophyll a, as measure...
Andersen, Madelin Jimenez
El Niño conditions are known to alter ocean circulation patterns causing a reduction in upwelling events that leads to warmer water with reduced concentrations of inorganic nutrients in coastal waters. The 2015/16 El Niño event resulted in significant losses of the habitat forming giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, with concurrent increases in the n...
Byrd, Brittany
Loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) are currently listed as “vulnerable” on the IUCN Red List and are experiencing population declines across many parts of their range. These declines are caused by environmental and anthropogenic stressors which impact sea turtle ecology and behavior, including nesting behavior. One nesting behavior sea turtle...
Schuitema, Olivia
The integument plays essential roles in the structural support, protection, and hydrodynamic capability among fishes. Most shark skin research has been done on the external epidermal layer containing the dermal denticles, while the larger dermis layer has been mostly ignored. The dermis layer in sharks is composed of two layers, the upper stratum l...
Environmental Protection Board, City of ... florida, of university north university, jacksonville Pinto, Gerry Bielmyer-Fraser, Gretchen Burr, John Casamatta, Dale Closmann, Charles Zoellner, Brian P. Johnson, Ashley
Little, Aimee Marie
Human-Animal Interactions (HAI) in zoological institutions are thought to be important in helping visitors to establish a connection with animals and thus making them more likely to contribute to conservation efforts. However, animals can respond to visitor interaction in both negative and positive ways. The growing focus on animal welfare in zoolo...