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with Margareta Suber as keyword
Bergdahl, Liv Saga
The aim of this thesis is to study representations of identity and (in)visibility in Swedish lesbian novels written in the 1930s, and to provide a summary of Swedish lesbian literature up to the early 21st century. This study has been done through a close reading primarily of Charlie by Margareta Suber (1932), Fröknarna von Pahlen by Agnes von Krus...
Lind, Eva-Marie
Den här uppsatsen handlar om Charlie (1932) av Margareta Suber, som ofta kallas Sveriges första lesbiska roman, och Girl Meets Boy (2007) av Ali Smith, en modern roman som utspelar sig i en annan tid och kontext, men har många gemensamma teman med Charlie. Böckerna behandlar homosexualitet, androgynitet och genus, men det viktigaste för den här u...
Lugnet, Em
In this paper, I study the concept of subordination and power by using two Swedish lesbian classic literary texts; ”Den första kärleken”, published in the collection of short stories Berättelser och skizzer (1884) by Mathilda Roos and Charlie (1932) by Margareta Suber. I examine power dynamics and subordination by comparing the two texts with each ...