Trimulyono, Andi Ardi Setiawan, Dikky Samuel, Arswendo Adietya, Berlian Budi Santosa, Ari Wibawa Tuswan,
Published in
BIO Web of Conferences
Mangroves have been proven for their role as a natural barrier to various environmental risks such as abrasion and erosion. It helped improve water quality, reducing storms and providing habitat for marine species. Not only playing an essential role in maintaining the water surface, Mangroves have a crucial role in several aspects such as ecology, ...
Akhrianti, Irma Oka Arizona, Mohammad Harapan Putera Batubara, Geothani
Published in
BIO Web of Conferences
Mangroves provide essential ecosystem services such as capturing carbon, habitat provision, and shoreline protection, making them essential for coastal sustainability.Understanding their structure and composition is essential for fostering conservation efforts and ensuring long-term resilience. This study investigates the mangrove vegetation on Kel...
Oliveira, Odara Araujo de Estrada, Carolina Salvador Duque Vidal, Luciana de Oliveira Junior, Luiz Carlos Cotovicz Abril, Gwenaël Rezende, Carlos Eduardo de Thompson, Cristiane Carneiro Thompson, Fabiano Lopes Tschoeke, Diogo Antônio Garcia, Gizele Duarte
Published in
The Science of the total environment
Tropical estuarine systems play several ecological roles, such as acting as a nursery for biodiversity and cycling nutrients and greenhouse gases. However, the phylogenetic and metabolic diversity of estuarine microbiomes is not completely known. Furthermore, it is unclear how seasonal patterns may affect microbial diversity in these systems. The a...
Robin, Sarah Louise Alfaro, Andrea C Gututuauva, Kapeliele Marchand, Cyril
Published in
Marine pollution bulletin
This study examined the dynamics of major elements and trace metals (TM) during litterfall decomposition in two mangrove forests-control and urban-along New Caledonia's coast. A litterbag experiment was carried out for 72 days for the two main species (Rhizophora stylosa, and Avicennia marina) of the island. Results showed that the urban runoff enh...
Rios, Aline Santos Yogui, Gilvan Takeshi Müller, Marius Nils Almeida, Alexandre Oliveira Souza-Filho, Jesser F
Published in
Marine pollution bulletin
This study characterized polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in oil pellets stranded at Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, equatorial Atlantic. It also characterized PAHs dissolved/dispersed in seawater (i.e. water accommodated fraction - WAF) and used them for investigating toxic effects on embryos of the snapping shrimp Alpheus estuariensis. In...
Pramono, Dwi Agung Karyati, Suhardiman, Ali Kiswanto, Widyasasi, Dyah
Published in
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Mangrove ecosystems in coastal areas are important in storing large amounts of carbon and preventing coastal erosion due to sea wave scouring. Mangrove areas have many advantages as examples of mangrove plants that provide good nutrition for the surrounding area. Mangrove plants and surrounding mangrove sediments act as carbon sinks and social bene...
Li, Jialin Jia, Hao Chen, Chen An, Shu Yu, Jianchen Yuan, Jie Long, Yuhua Li, Mengfeng
Published in
Under the guidance of LC‒MS/MS-based molecular networking, three previously undescribed berkeleyacetal type meroterpenoids, amestolknoids A-C (1-3), together with ten known analogues (4-13) were isolated and identified from the mangrove endophytic fungus Talaromyces amestolkiae SCNU-F0041. Amestolknoids A (1) and B (2) are unprecedentedly congested...
Blanchard, Elodie Catry, Thibault Marsal, Quentin Delaître, Eric Proisy, Christophe Faure, Jean-François
This study outlines advancements in mangrove monitoring using Earth Observation (EO) technologies, highlighting a transition from historical cartography to modern, near-real-time monitoring systems. Mangroves, critical for biodiversity, climate regulation, and coastal protection, face threats from climate change and human activities. The need for a...
Robin, Sarah Louise Baudin, François Le Milbeau, Claude Marchand, Cyril
Mangrove forests are known as coastal carbon sinks, but the long-term (millennium-scale) preservation processes of organic matter (OM) in their soils and the role of sulphur in these processes are still not fully understood. These processes are crucial for better estimating the impact of sea-level variations on the carbon dynamics in mangrove fores...
Harefa, Meilinda Suriani Damanik, Muhammad Ridha Syafii Taufik Rahmadi, M Putra, Mulhady Hidayat, Syukri Irfansyah, Dwi
Published in
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
The coastal area is a complex and interconnected network of various ecosystems, with mangrove ecosystems being highly productive in carbon absorption. Mangroves play a crucial role in capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide, making them an essential component in climate change mitigation. This study aims to analyze the changes in mangrove ...