This paper describes a conceptual framework of maintenance of physical activity (PA) and its application to future intervention design. Evidence from systematic literature reviews and in-depth (N = 27) qualitative interviews with individuals with cancer were used to develop a conceptual framework of long-term physical activity behaviour. Determinan...
Visuospatial bootstrapping (VSB) refers to the phenomenon in which performance on a verbal working memory task can be enhanced by presenting the verbal material within a familiar visuospatial configuration. This effect is part of a broader literature concerning how working memory is influenced by use of multimodal codes and contributions from long-...
Kamrava, Mitchell R.;Gonzalez-Martin, Antonio;Pothuri, Bhavana;Vergote, Ignace; 2443;Graybill, Whitney;Mirza, Mansoor R.;Mccormick, Colleen;Lorusso, Domenica;Freyer, Gilles;O'Malley, David M.;
OBJECTIVES: Patterns of disease recurrence on poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor maintenance therapy are unclear and may affect subsequent treatment. This ad hoc subgroup analysis of the phase 3 PRIMA/ENGOT-OV26/GOG-3012 study evaluated patterns of initial recurrence in patients with advanced ovarian cancer (AOC). METHODS: PRIMA included partici...
À l'échelle mondiale, le développement des parcs éoliens connaît une croissance sans précédent, manifestée par l'augmentation annuelle de la puissance éolienne installée et de la production éolienne mondiale. L'année 2020 a marqué un jalon historique pour l'industrie éolienne mondiale, et il est prévu que l'installation de nouvelles éoliennes soit ...
Numerous studies have explored the challenge of optimizing maintenance grouping, aiming to efficiently manage maintenance resources and reduce costs associated with various maintenance opportunities. Maintenance grouping is even more important when the systems to maintain are geographically distributed because it significantly reduces travel costs....
Ce travail vise à l’optimisation de la modélisation de la maintenance prédictive en tenant compte de contraintes op opérationnelles sp spécifiques. Nous concentrons notre attention sur les contraintes de circularité ́e, en particulier la question du remanufactur-ing, et explorons comment les intégrer dans une politique de maintenance. Notre recherc...