Verdenal, Alban
La structuration du couvert des prairies, qui conditionne leur valeur d’usage, émerge du déploiement des architectures des individus qui composent le peuplement prairial. La morphogénèse individuelle répond à une multitude de dynamiques, intriquées, dont génétiques et écophysiologiques. Pour mieux appréhender cette complexité un simulateur informat...
Segura, Vincent Durel, Charles-Eric Costes, Evelyne
Published in
Tree Genetics & Genomes
The present study aimed to dissect tree architectural plasticity into genetic, ontogenetic and environmental effects over the first 4 years of growth of an apple F1 progeny by means of quantitative traits loci (QTL) mapping. Both growth and branching processes were phenotyped on the consecutive annual shoots of different axes within a tree. For eac...
Gueye, B. Saïd-Ahmed, H. Morcillo, F. Borgel, Alain Sané, D. Hilbert, J.L. Verdeil, J.L. Blervacq, A.S.
Pallas, Benoit Christophe, Angélique Cournède, Paul-Henry Lecoeur, Jérémie
The grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) shoot is a complex modular branching system, with one primary axis and many secondary axes organised into a repetitive structure of three successive phytomers (P0-P1-P2). P1-P2 phytomers bear one tendril or cluster, whereas P0 phytomers bear no tendrils or clusters. Axis development displays a high variability, due...
Barthélémy, Daniel Caraglio, Yves Sabatier, Sylvie
Lauri, Pierre-Eric
It is commonly assumed that the modular structure of plants results from two basic processes: the apical growth process by which the plant builds the monopodial shoot, and the branching process initiated by the development of the axillary meristem. The architectural analysis proposed some 40 years ago by Hallé and colleagues (Hallé et al., 1978) co...
Hue, Isabelle Wang, Juhui
Verdenal, Alban Combes, Didier Escobar-Gutiérrez, Abraham J
Published in
Functional plant biology : FPB
The canopy structure of grasslands is a major determinant of their use-value, as it affects the quantity and quality of the forage removed when mowed or grazed. The structure of this canopy is determined by individual plant architecture, which is highly sensitive to both environmental variations and management practices such as cutting regimes. In ...
Franceschini, Isabelle Desroziers, Elodie Ottogalli, Monique Lomet, Didier Duittoz, Anne Caraty, Alain
Mazurais, David Darias, Maria J. Gouillou-Coustans, M. Le Gall, Marie-Madeleine Huelvan, C. Desbruyères, E. Quazuguel, P. Cahu, Chantal Zambonino-Infante, Jose-Luis
The influence of dietary vitamins on growth, survival, and morphogenesis was evaluated until day 38 of posthatching life in European sea bass larvae ( Dicentrarchus labrax). A standard vitamin mix (VM), at double the concentration of the U.S. National Research Council's recommendations, was incorporated into larval feeds at 0.5%, 1.5%, 2.5%, 4.0%, ...