HAMES, Morgan
Les nanoparticules sont utilisées dans de nombreux secteurs comme la pharmacie et santé, la chimie, l'énergie, l'agroalimentaire, et la cosmétique. En conséquence, ces nanoparticules peuvent se retrouver ensuite dans l'eau puis dans le sol. Le contexte général dans lequel s'est inséré mon stage est celui de la contamination métallique des eaux de r...
Orange, Didier
MOUGIN, Christian LAMY, Isabelle CIADAMIDARO, Lisa HOUOT, Sabine GASPERI, Johnny DRIS, Rachid TASSIN, Bruno
MONTEL, Marie Claude VERNY, Paul MAGNIN, Joël Lopez, Fabrice
La communication présente un travail exploratoire portant sur un ensemble de cas d'études détaillées d'accidents (EDA ) nocturnes en milieu urbain, et visant à tester l'apport d'analyses photométriques pour la compréhension des dysfonctionnements perceptivo-cognitifs intervenant dans les processus d'accidents.
Perrier, Joy Amato, Jean-Noël Berthelon, Catherine Bocca, Marie-Laure
Published in
Journal of sleep research
According to epidemiological studies, insomnia is associated with an increase in risk of traffic accidents. Recent investigations revealed that patients with insomnia had driving performance impairment under monotonous conditions. However, it is unclear whether other driving abilities may be impacted by insomnia, especially those needing more atten...
granero-belinchon;, carlos
Urban Heat Islands (UHIs) at the surface and canopy levels are major issues in urban planification and development. For this reason, the comprehension and quantification of the influence that the different land-uses/land-covers have on UHIs is of particular importance. In order to perform a detailed thermal characterisation of the city, measures co...
bouarafa;, sofia
Stormwater management techniques in urban areas, such as sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS), are designed to manage rainwater through an infiltration process. In order to determine the infiltration capacities of different SuDS and to identify their unsaturated hydraulic properties, measurements with the Beerkan method (i.e., single ring infi...
Can, Arnaud
Awareness of the health effects of noise gradually became apparent in the second half of the 20th century, in contrast to the parallel urban planning decisions, which left a significant place for the automobile in the city. The high noise levels, combined with the increasing aspiration of city dwellers for a peaceful and environmentally friendly ci...
Lenoir, Thomas Duc, Myriam Lassabatere, Laurent Bellagh, Katia
Published in
Journal of Soils and Sediments
PurposeIn the context of urban extension, the depletion of natural resources for construction constitutes a crucial issue. Specifically, in the field of earthworks, the amounts of materials can be massive and pose the crucial problem of resource shortage. Therefore, the reuse of excavated urban soils from foundation layers as new earthwork construc...
BIGOT, Thomas
Depuis maintenant quelques années, la pollution des sols et des eaux souterraines à travers l'infiltration des eaux pluviales urbaines est un problème majeur pour notre société. En effet, certaines nappes phréatiques, le plus grand réservoir d'eaux potable du monde et ressource indispensable à la vie humaine, sont menacées par ce phénomène. C'est d...