Paul Faucher (1898-1967), publisher under the name of " Père Castor ", was a forerunner in contemporary children's literature. He was a book seller who was well introduced in European intellectual circles, a pacifist, a supporter of a new educational approach and, in the thirties under the influence of two Czech educators, Bakulé and Havranek, he p...
L'enseignement agricole offre uneopportunité de reprise scolaire et de sortie qualifiante à des élèves en difficultés. Ses parcours diversifiés incluant conduites de projets et travaux pratiques permettent d'ébaucher une individualisation des apprentissages. L'accompagnement scolaire apparaît comme un prolongement tout en apportant une dimension su...
In this thesis we explore a number of issues related to interactive querying of image databases, using both the description of the visual appearance and keyword annotations. We start by introducing the weighted color histograms, that intimately integrate color, texture and shape, and we validate their quality on multiple ground truth databases. The...