An education movement facing changes : A.I.R.A.P., International Association for Research and Development in the art of ...
ST DENIS-BU PARIS8 (930662101) / Sudoc / ANGERS-UCO-BU Lettres (490072101) / Sudoc / Sudoc / France / FR
ST DENIS-BU PARIS8 (930662101) / Sudoc / ANGERS-UCO-BU Lettres (490072101) / Sudoc / Sudoc / France / FR
Paul Faucher (1898-1967), publisher under the name of " Père Castor ", was a forerunner in contemporary children's literature. He was a book seller who was well introduced in European intellectual circles, a pacifist, a supporter of a new educational approach and, in the thirties under the influence of two Czech educators, Bakulé and Havranek, he p...