Yashina, Tatiana A.
The peculiarities of perception of Burns satire in Soviet literary and linguistic criticism of the 1950s are investigated in the article. Among the Soviet literary critics of this time, E.A. Makarova paid the closest attention to Burns satire, who separately characterized anticlerical satires, satires that ridiculed the leaders of the Scottish clan...
Murillo Gallegos, Verónica D'Amore, Anna Maria Zimányi, Krisztina Lelis, Sara
The translation of Christian doctrine into Native Americanlanguages during the Spanish colonial’s era raises important questionsfor traductology, which incite multi and interdisciplinary analysis. In thisarticle, are examined the state of the question of missionary linguistics,and the treatment that was given to the cultural encounter that took pla...
Munevar Salazar, Alejandro Bernal Chávez, Julio Alexander
This article presents a comparative analysis of the wind's representations in the linguistic and ethnographic atlases of Colombia (ALEC) and France (NALF). This work's background is made up of all the studies related to the climate's cultural conceptions in a climate change context. Climate change is considered a global phenomenon; this work aims t...
Aulit, Laetitia
This article presents an analysis of mitigation in a corpus of comments to digital press articles and contributions on Twitter about the Moors and Christians festival, a tradition that led to controversies in the Spanish public debate. Based on Albelda and Briz (2020), we define mitigation as a rhetorical and pragmatic strategy that proceeds from ...
Zinchenko, Viktoriia Udovychenko, Larysa Maksymenko, Anatolii Gevorgian, Karina Nesterenko, Tetiana Goncharuk, Valentyna
Objective. The objective of the research is to determine the effectiveness and relevance of the implementation of project-based learning technology (PBL) and students' assessment of the prospects for learning linguistic theory, theory and practice of translation using the PBL method. Methodology. The use of project-based learning technologies withi...
Sornoza Montesdeoca, Ana Kathyuska Lara Alcívar, Dolores Katerine Giler Alcívar, María Fernanda Alcívar Solórzano, Dolores Monserrate
El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la diversidad lingüística en Ecuador: un caso de estudio en Manabí. Para lograr este cometido, se realizó una revisión documental-bibliográfica de diversas fuentes relacionadas con el objeto de estudio. La metodología se enmarcó en el análisis de contenido. La selección del material bibliográfico asumi...
Chancay Alcívar, Juan Gregorio Rivadeneira Barreiro, Julio
The research sought to determine if intensive reading influences the development of critical thinking in students of the Basic School of Basic Education, in the present work the type of descriptive research was used, since it seeks to determine the situation of the variables of both intensive reading and the development of critical thinking. It was...
Hernández Ochoa, Guillermo
La lengua también podría ser una caja de Pandora; es decir, un regalo para todos. Cada día, cada instante, en cualquier lugar, sin importar la raza, el credo, la condición social o económica, la lengua está presente. Recurrimos a ella con la certidumbre de encontrar en su seno las palabras que son la esperanza de nuestra necesidad de comunicación.
Yusupova, Liya Gayazovna Kuzmina, Olga Dmitrievna Guseva, Marina Igorevna
The article deals with the comparative analysis of the English, German and Russian phraseological units with the component “clothes”, namely the names of accessories, garments, items of clothing and shoes. The relevance of research is defined by the interest to interaction between different languages and the process of cross-cultural communication ...
Chun, Sebastián Candiloro, Hernán J.
Saussure´s Course in General Linguistics represents a major event in the history of the occidental thinking, but the system that the editors of this work try to construct isn´t free of several problems that make this consolidation fail. These rests express the limits of the positivist approach to the language (langue) as the object of a strict scie...