Schminke, Marshall Arnaud, Anke Taylor, Regina
Published in
Journal of Business Ethics
This paper seeks to advance our thinking about values and justice by studying the relationship between these constructs at the organizational level. We hypothesize that collective perceptions of moral values in organizational settings will influence collective perceptions of justice. Survey results from 619 individuals in 108 departments strongly s...
Hofstede, G.J.
This paper urges that if we wish to give social intelligence to our agents, it pays to look at how we acquired our social intelligence ourselves. Our drives and motives are innate and deeply social. Next, as children we are social-ized to acquire norms and values. This motivational and group-based life is the core of our being in the real world. As...
Northoff, G.
Published in
Der Nervenarzt
Die gegenwärtige Neuroethik lässt sich überwiegend als „empirische Neuroethik“ bezeichnen. Sie bezieht nämlich nicht nur empirische Ergebnisse der Neurowissenschaften mit ein, sondern zielt auch auf empirisch relevante Handlungsanweisungen im Feld der Neurowissenschaften. Eine solche starke empirische Orientierung führt aber leicht zu einer Vernach...
Dinh, Jessica E. Lord, Robert G. Gardner, William L. Meuser, Jeremy D. Liden, Robert C. Hu, Jinyu
Published in
The Leadership Quarterly
Brase, Gary L.
Published in
New Ideas in Psychology
Yammarino, F.J.
Published in
Encyclopedia of Human Behavior
Palanski, Michael E.
Published in
Journal of Business Ethics
Forgiveness and reconciliation have been shown to be beneficial alternatives to revenge as responses to an interpersonal offense in the workplace. Prior research on these topics, however, is often narrow in scope, focusing on only the victim. Moreover, existing research is often unclear about the relationship between forgiveness and reconciliation....
Karsh, Ben-Tzion Brown, Roger
Published in
Applied Ergonomics
Travieso, David Jacobs, David M.
Published in
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science
Is it useful to apply ecological principles, developed to understand perception and action, in research areas such as social psychology? Charles (Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Sciences 43(1) 53–66 2009) warns ecological psychologists interested in this question that much time and effort can be saved through a backwards extension to or redi...
Trickett, Edison J.
Published in
American Journal of Community Psychology
The purpose of this paper is to apply an ecological perspective to the conduct of multilevel community-based culturally-situated interventions. After a discussion of the emerging consensus about the value of approaching such interventions ecologically, the paper outlines a series of questions stimulated by an ecological perspective that can guide f...