Keckhut, P Chanin, M L Hauchecorne, A
Published in
Applied optics
Temperature measurements using vibrational Raman scattering from molecular nitrogen were performed simultaneously with temperature obtained by Rayleigh scattering in the amplitude range between 12 and 30 km. The downward extension of the Rayleigh temperature described in this paper leads to the possibility of obtaining a continuous temperature prof...
McDermid, I S Godin, S M Lindqvist, L O Walsh, T D Burris, J Butler, J Ferrare, R Whiteman, D McGee, T J
Published in
Applied optics
For approximately one month during October and November 1988 the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center mobile lidar system was brought to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Table Mountain Facility, to make side-byside measurements with the JPL lidar of stratospheric ozone concentration profiles. Measurements were made by both excimer laser DIAL systems on f...
Axelsson, Håkan Calander, Karin Galle, Bo Omstedt, Gunnar
I föreliggande rapport har punkt- och linjemätningar av luftföroreningar jämförts dels teoretiskt och dels, då så varit möjligt, genom belysande exempel från praktiska mätningar. Tonvikten i jämförelserna har legat på DOAS, men då ur utvärderingssynpunkt LIDAR-mätningar kan betraktas som en avancerad form av DOAS-mätning, har resultaten, där så var...
Galle, Bo Sunesson, Anders Wendt, Wilhelm
Published in
Atmospheric Environment (1967)
Mégie, Gérard Ancellet, Gérard Pelon, Jacques
Attention is given to the differential absorption lidar technique used in measuring the vertical ozone distribution of the troposphere and stratosphere. The basis of these measurements are UV wavelength range laser sources which encompass Nd:YAG pumped dye lasers and Exciplex lasers. High temporal and spatial resolution, together with measurement c...
Marion, Jean-Marc Geukens, Fernand Lamberty, Pauline
Révision, 2ème édition (première édition complète) / Carte géologique (lithostratigraphique) sur fond topographique / Programme de révision de la carte géologique de la Wallonie. Recherches collectives d'intérêt général. / 1:10.000 (manuscrits. Publication à l'échelle 1:25.000)
Marion, Jean-Marc Geukens, Fernand Lamberty, Pauline
Révision et seconde édition (1ère édition complète) / Programme de révision de la carte géologique de Wallonie. Recherches collectives d'intérêt général.
Errando-Herranz, Carlos Le Thomas, Nicolas Gylfason, Kristinn B.
Optical beam steering is key for optical communications, laser mapping (LIDAR), and medical imaging. For these applications, integrated photonicsis an enabling technology that can provide miniaturized, lighter, lower cost, and more power efficient systems. However, common integrated photonic devices are too power demanding. Here, we experimentally ...