Pastor, A.V. Ludwig, F. Biemans, H. Hoff, H. Kabat, P.
With growing water needs for food production, it is necessary to improve the quantification of "Environmental Flow Requirements (EFRs)" to secure enough water for the freshwater ecosystems. In this study, five methods for calculating EFRs were compared to 11 case studies of locally-calculated EFRs. Three of the methods already existed (Smakhtin, Te...
Pastor, A.V. Ludwig, F. Biemans, H. Hoff, H. Kabat, P.
With growing water needs for food production, it is necessary to improve the quantification of "Environmental Flow Requirements (EFRs)" to secure enough water for the freshwater ecosystems. In this study, five methods for calculating EFRs were compared to 11 case studies of locally-calculated EFRs. Three of the methods already existed (Smakhtin, Te...
Willems, Patrick; 9249;
De huidige problematiek van wateroverlast en verdroging in Vlaanderen wordt geschetst. Wat is onze huidige kennis daarover? Wat kunnen wij eraan doen? Ook wordt stilgestaan bij de recente en toekomstige evoluties zoals de toenemende urbanisatie en verstening in Vlaanderen, en de verwachte klimaatevoluties. Naast collectieve maatregelen genomen door...
Braakhekke, M.C. Wutzler, T. Beer, C. Kattge, J. Schrumpf, M. Schöning, I. Hoosbeek, M.R. Kruijt, B. Kabat, P.
The vertical distribution of soil organic matter (SOM) in the profile may constitute a significant factor for soil carbon cycling. However, the formation of the SOM profile is currently poorly understood due to equifinality, caused by the entanglement of several processes: input from roots, mixing due to bioturbation, and organic matter leaching. I...
Claessens, Hugues
Het Zoniënwoud straalt ongereptheid uit, heeft een respectabele ouderdom en staat op een moeilijke ondergrond : deze factoren geven de statige beukenkathedraal iets kwetsbaars. Het bos lijdt onder de wind en is gevoelig voor hitte en droogte. Het evenwicht met zijn omgeving wordt hierdoor steeds wankeler en de bedreiging door de klimaatverandering ...
Braakhekke, M.C. Wutzler, T. Beer, C. Kattge, J. Schrumpf, M. Schöning, I. Hoosbeek, M.R. Kruijt, B. Kabat, P.
The vertical distribution of soil organic matter (SOM) in the profile may constitute a significant factor for soil carbon cycling. However, the formation of the SOM profile is currently poorly understood due to equifinality, caused by the entanglement of several processes: input from roots, mixing due to bioturbation, and organic matter leaching. I...
Braakhekke, M.C. Wutzler, T. Beer, C. Kattge, J. Schrumpf, M. Schöning, I. Hoosbeek, M.R. Kruijt, B. Kabat, P.
The vertical distribution of soil organic matter (SOM) in the profile may constitute a significant factor for soil carbon cycling. However, the formation of the SOM profile is currently poorly understood due to equifinality, caused by the entanglement of several processes: input from roots, mixing due to bioturbation, and organic matter leaching. I...
Braakhekke, M.C. Wutzler, T. Beer, C. Kattge, J. Schrumpf, M. Schöning, I. Hoosbeek, M.R. Kruijt, B. Kabat, P.
The vertical distribution of soil organic matter (SOM) in the profile may constitute a significant factor for soil carbon cycling. However, the formation of the SOM profile is currently poorly understood due to equifinality, caused by the entanglement of several processes: input from roots, mixing due to bioturbation, and organic matter leaching. I...
Braakhekke, M.C. Wutzler, T. Beer, C. Kattge, J. Schrumpf, M. Schöning, I. Hoosbeek, M.R. Kruijt, B. Kabat, P.
The vertical distribution of soil organic matter (SOM) in the profile may constitute a significant factor for soil carbon cycling. However, the formation of the SOM profile is currently poorly understood due to equifinality, caused by the entanglement of several processes: input from roots, mixing due to bioturbation, and organic matter leaching. I...
Braakhekke, M.C. Wutzler, T. Beer, C. Kattge, J. Schrumpf, M. Schöning, I. Hoosbeek, M.R. Kruijt, B. Kabat, P.
The vertical distribution of soil organic matter (SOM) in the profile may constitute a significant factor for soil carbon cycling. However, the formation of the SOM profile is currently poorly understood due to equifinality, caused by the entanglement of several processes: input from roots, mixing due to bioturbation, and organic matter leaching. I...