Guffroy, Yohann
Cette présentation interroge les liens entre production de dessins techniques et économie au sein de la Society of Arts de Londres. A travers l'étude des Minutes du comité des Correspondence & Papers, je cherche à comprendre comment les questions économiques liées au budget de la Société ont joué sur les différents types de représentations des inve...
Pollaud-Dulian, Frédéric
Observations sous Office européen des brevets (gr. ch.), 10 mars 2021, n° G 01/19
Véron, Laélia
Le destin des "Ressources de Quinola" est étrange. Alors même que Balzac voyait dans cette pièce une « immense comédie », que le sujet est ambitieux, l’action riche, Quinola a toujours été considérée comme une pièce moyenne qui caractériserait le peu d’habileté dramatique de l’auteur de "La Comédie humaine". Cette contribution tente de relire Quino...
Vera Castañeda, Julio Ricardo
El presente artículo estudia las representaciones escritas del picietl (tabaco) producidas en Nueva España entre 1552 y 1591. Remite al estudio de un corpus de textos médicos y el lugar que ellos destinan a la denominación y clasificación de la “materia médica” del territorio, en contextos de coexistencia de tradiciones hispanas e indígenas. Desde ...
Bar, Aleksandra
Published in
Wroclaw Review of Law, Administration & Economics
Not only do advanced artificially intelligent (AI) systems play an increasingly important role in modern society, but they also significantly enhance industrial and economic development. AI systems are already capable of generating outputs, which, had they been created by humans, would be eligible for patent protection. Polish patent regime has yet...
Hilaire-Pérez, Liliane
Loin du mythe du génial inventeur, l'invention est le fruit d'un long travail collectif, fait de tâtonnements et d'erreurs, d'améliorations techniques souvent artisanales.Pour Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950), la clé de la croissance au XIXe siècle résidait dans les inventions radicales permises par les investissements d'entrepreneurs dans des techniq...
Montoya Arias, Luis Omar
I propose Counter-history as the way to teach-interpret the historical fact, as opposed to the national history. The official history unites and supports identity. Counterhistory bets on scientific thought. Interpretation is key in the practice of scientific history. Patriot history appeals to memorization. Counterhistory strives for memory-reason-...
Gil Guinea, Lorenzo
The house in which Klas Anshelm lived and worked all his life was apparently one among others of the houses on the east side of Kävlingevägen Avenue. It occupied a narrow, elongated plot of land that stretched out into the dense vegetation of the Lund cemetery. Anshelm had bought the house in 1955. It was originally a small, old and poorly preserve...
Navalles Gómez, Jahir
As a classic, crowd psychology has been the primary reference to social psychology. From its erudite or colloquial description, stories and images about its sighting, irruption or dissolution unfolded. As a journey on the common ideas about it refers to the daily scenarios where they were initially located, and then recognizes the consequences of t...
Aguirre Aguirre, Carlos
This text addresses the problems of tragedy, invention and the colonized body in the writings of the martinican thinkers Aimé Césaire and Frantz Fanon. To do this, at first we stop at the link that exists between the tragedy of the experiences of the black bodies alluded to in the writings of the aforementioned authors with the controls and reifica...