Piotrow, P T
Published in
International journal of health services : planning, administration, evaluation
The U.S. government's policy towards birth control has changed from Eisenhower's opinion in 1959 that birth control was not the government's business to the present broad federal support allotted of family planning. The legistature was the main vehicle for mounting support of family planning with the approval of Presidents Kennedy, Johnson and Nixo...
Taylor, C E
Published in
International journal of health services : planning, administration, evaluation
Population programs have rapidly expanded in the past 10 years with a massive surge in attention, funding and innovation. Developing countries increasingly insist that population planning be intimately related to general development planning. At present, family planning services need to be further integrated with other developmental processes such ...
Bergman, E
Published in
International journal of health services : planning, administration, evaluation
Harkavy, O
Published in
International journal of health services : planning, administration, evaluation
Because of the negative effects of excessive population growth on food supplies, job opportunities, education, and other developmental goals, international assistance to population programs in developing countries is needed. However, it is acknowledged that fertility reduction is not a sufficient condition to improve standards of living. Developmen...
Salas, R M
Published in
The Fookien times yearbook
A continuing role for multilateral assitance in population will exist. Only international organizations can adequately transmit information, provide multinational experts and transmit certain technical advances in the population field. Aid-receiving countries must show both the realistic and necessary objectives and the will to execute their plans....
Jaffe, F S
Published in
Family planning perspectives
The eventual success of the United Nations World Population Conferen ce at Bucharest must be judged by what governments do, not what they say. It is still unclear whether funding for family planning programs, endorsed at the conference, will be provided at the national and international level. 2 structural limitations of the conference were: 1)it w...
Salas, R M
Published in
The Ethiopian herald
In this speech Salas makes mention of the UNFPA's contribution to the African Census Program in the largest international operation of its kind ever undertaken. 22 countries are involved. Findings of the census combined with other demography work being done in Africa will add inpetus to the growing debate on population in the Africa context. Mr. Sa...
Mauldin, W P Choucri, N Notestein, F W Teitelbaum, M
Published in
Studies in family planning
This is a report of the World Population Conference and related activities in Bucharest, Romania, in August 1974 which created an awareness of the importance of population change for development in different parts of the world. Major points made at the conference were: 1) there is need for a more equitable distribution of wealth; 2) there is an int...
Foege, W H Millar, J D Henderson, D A
Published in
Bulletin of the World Health Organization
The history of smallpox eradication in the 20 countries of West and Central Africa from Mauritania to Zaire is recounted, including background, evolution of strategy, assessment, maintenance, costs, and significance of the campaign. Smallpox was endemic in these countries, peaking each year at the end of the spring dry season, usually occurring in ...
Kuroda, T
Published in
Jinko mondai kenkyu. [Journal of population problems]
The ESCAP Regional Post-World Population Conference Consultation was held from January 14th to 20th, 1975, in Bangkok. The Japanese government presented a 5 point statement: 1) recent trends of population in Japan; 2) population policies in the context of social and economic development; 3) outline of government policies and activities; 4) overall ...