Nitrogen is more often deficient in Nebraska soils than any other nutrient element. Past cropping history has not been entirely satisfactory as a technique for predicting a need for nitrogen fertilizer. However, some Nebraska and Iowa workers have shown that nitrification rate has been a suitable technique for predicting a need for nitrogen fertili...
The objectives of these experiments were to study the influence of sulfur and lime applications in combination with zinc additions on the acid-extractable zinc content of soils, on the uptake of zinc, iron, and manganese by corn, and on the dry matter yield of corn. Also the effects of various zinc carriers on the mobilities of zinc, iron and manga...
Roberts, Gordon CKDennis, Edward AMeadows, Donella HCohen, Jack SJardetzky, Oleg
The possible mechanisms of action of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease are discussed in the light of the detailed knowledge of the geometry of the active site that has been derived from studies of inhibitor binding by X-ray diffraction and nuclear magnetic resonance. When combined with a knowledge of the mechanism of phosphate ester hydrolysis, this i...
We present data on the depression of the superconducting transition temperatures of YB(6) and ZrB(12) by rare earth impurities. These data show unusual features. Ce in YB(6) is in some ways analogous to Yb in ZrB(12), and this analogy also appears to hold between Ce in CeB(6) and YB in YbB(12).
A new crystal form (III) of tobacco leaf ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase [3-phospho-D-glycerate carboxy-lyase (dimerizing), EC] has been grown by dialysis procedures, and is suitable for structural studies at near atomic resolution. The crystals exhibit birefringence, grow as pseudo-regular rhombic dodecahedrons, and belong to the tetrago...
The proton NMR spectra of unligated ferrous porphyrins, proposed to exist in the intermediate S = 1 spin state, have been recorded and analyzed. The dominant dipolar shifts for the phenyl protons in tetraphenylporphinatoiron(II) result in a quantitative measure of the axial magnetic anisotropy, which, together with the average moment, yield μ⊥ = 4....