Business has globalized rapidly during the last decades. Distances between point of origin and point of consumption have increased as a result of globalization. Today’s increased distances mean that companies require faster logistic responses. Air transportation is preferred because it’s worldwide lead-time, of just 1-2 day, fulfill business expect...
Software design decisions were considered in this study, as the possibly principal factor for unplanned adjustments related to the embedded software handling, at production- and service processes. The study reveals an increase of requirement changes during the last phases in then software development projects execution, which forces late design dec...
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att för ett svenskt företags räkning analysera hur deras logistikstruktur för import av produkter från Kina till Sverige kan effektiviseras. Vi fick i uppdrag att analysera hur upprättandet av en eller flera hubbar och lager i Kina skulle påverka Företagets logistikstruktur ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv. Företa-get ...
DinBox Sverige AB säljer fastighetsboxar på den skandinaviska marknaden och har produktionen utlagd till en leverantör Kina. Företaget startades i slutet på 2007 och är med andra ord relativt ungt. Den logistiska delen från beställning till leverans av produkt, är en mycket viktig och vital del av verksamheten som måste fungera. Det logistiska flöd...
Ericsson AB in Katrineholm is a part of the Section Business Unit Network in the Ericsson Group. The plant's main task is to produce printed circuit boards in small volumes with a high product mix and focus on delivery and cost effectiveness. At the factory they produce printed circuit boards in the Module department. The Module department has for ...
To stay competitive, companies are forced to improve their products continuously. Field data is a source of information that shows the actual performance of products during operation, and that information can be used to clarify the items in need of improvements. This master thesis aims at identifying the set of field data that is required for depen...
Through extensive research it has shown that today’s sail boat owners are very frustrated concerning the limited choice of engine alternatives offered by today’s market. Besides rising fuel-costs, environmental awareness is very important in today’s society. Hence it is vital to find alternative environmental-friendly motors and replace combustion-...
Summary Environmental issues have become increasingly more important the last decade. It is of great importance to reduce emissions of green house gases (GHG) and the transport sector contributes to a large part of GHG emissions. The transport sector is the only sector that actually has increased the emissions during the last decade. This is a resu...