Immunohistochemical Identification of T- and B-Lymphocytes Delineated by the Unlabeled Antibody Enzyme Method II. Anatom...
Published in Beiträge zur Pathologie: "Aschoff's" Journal
Published in Beiträge zur Pathologie: "Aschoff's" Journal
Published in Wilhelm Roux's archives of developmental biology
This study was undertaken to determine whether the influx of progesterone into the uterine lumen of the rabbit, in the preimplantation period, is dependent onuteroglobin (UGL). Rabbits were ovariectomized and, three months later, treated with two defferent doses of progesterone. Purified UGL was injected into one uterine horn and, as a control,immu...
1)膀胱腫瘍の臨床病期と組織分類および細胞分類を対比し, 腫瘍細胞のCEA局在を検討した結果, 剥離細胞のCEA局在は異型度の強い腫瘍細胞に陽性であった.2)酵素抗体法を応用した尿中剥離細胞診は, 腫瘍細胞の悪性度とともに機能的分化度の同定の一手段として有用な方法として考えられた / We report on the immunohistochemical detection of carcinoembryonic antigen in the urine cytology of 5 patients with urinary bladder tumors classified as low, moderate, and high grade. Immunohistochemically c...
膀胱移行上皮癌においてEMAの表層細胞の内腔側表層細胞膜における染色性と深層の腫瘍細胞の細胞質内の染色性の2つはそれぞれ移行上皮癌の異型度・深達度との間に最も高い関連性をもっていた.CEA, SCもそれらの染色性と異型度, 深達度との間に一定の相関はあったが, 移行上皮癌のgradingと浸潤性の指標として, EMAがCEA・SCに比してより有用性が高かった.ホルマリン固定パラフィン切片でEMA, CEA, SCの抗原性の保存は良好であり, TUR-Btにより得られたHE標本で腫瘍の浸潤性を判定することが難しい症例では, これら抗原の免疫組織化学的局在を検討することは補助診断として有用であった / To clarify the relationship between the immunoh...
An Immunoperoxidase technique for identification of leptospires in formalin fixed, paraffin embedded kidney sections is presented, using peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex. The anti-leptospiral antibody was raised in rabbit. Possible applications of this technique are discussed.
Published in Roux's archives of developmental biology : the official organ of the EDBO
The distribution of A(M) subunits of lactate dehydrogenase (mainly LDH5) in developing muscle, heart, liver, lung, kidney and cartilage tissue of chicken embryos was examined by the indirect fluorescent antibody technique. Antibodies against porcine LDH5, purified by affinity chromatography, were used for this purpose. In special areas of newly for...
Cell differentiation in ethylnitrosourea induced rat brain tumors was studied by immunohistochemical demonstrations of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), vimentin, α-and β-subunits of S 100 protein (S 100 α, S 100 β), myelin basic protein (MBP), Leu 7 and neuron specific enolase (NSE), comparing with normal and reactive glial cells in the brai...
膀胱腫瘍82例においてABC法を使用し型物質の検出を行ない, 1) ABC法は操作が簡便で感度が高く, backgroundも低く特異的である.2) Low grade 60例中34例が陽性, high grade 22例中21例が陰性であり, 有意差が認められた.3) Low stage 63例中35例が陽性, high stage 19例がすべて陰性があり, 有意差が認められた.4) Low grade・low stage 38症例のうち再発のみられたものは, 陽性24症例中9症例, 陰性14症例中10例であり, 有意差が認められた / ABH isoantigens in 82 cases with bladder tumor of various grades and stages ...