This paper investigates when party selectors prefer ethnic minority female over male candidates on their lists. We argue that the two competing strategies parties can follow (gaining the ethnic vote ('ethnic community' argument) versus not scaring ethnic majority voters ('deterrence' argument)) are dependent upon party ideology, district diversity ...
Dans l’océan Indien, l’archipel des Comores est devenu indépendant en 1975 et l'île de Mayotte est maintenue dans l'ensemble national français en 1979 avant d’acquérir le statut de département français en 2011. Alors que les circulations entre les quatre îles ont été très importantes dans l’histoire de cet Archipel, ces changements statutaires ont ...
Transnational solidarity has been taken up by feminist scholars, social scientists and activists who discuss or practice solidarity with the plights of different individuals, groups, and communities. This paper addresses transnational solidarity by investigating World Hijab Day, a campaign that shows solidarity with Muslim women by encouraging non‐...
BackgroundFamily planning (FP) is one of the high impact public health interventions with huge potential to enhance the health and wellbeing of women and children. Yet, despite the steady progress made towards expanding access to family planning, major disparities across different regions exist in Kenya. This study explored the socio cultural facto...
В данной статье рассматривается актуальная в современном обществе проблема религиозного экстремизма. Автором были выявлены причины распространения радикальных и экстремистских идей в обществе. Эти причины разделены на внешние и внутренние. На примере Республики Дагестан (РД), показано, как экстремистские идеи могут влиять на гражданское общество и ...