Les dynamiques migratoires en France au XXe siècle
Cet article envisage divers modèles, tant spatiaux que temporels, afin de permettre une comparaison internationale des niveaux de migration interne entre tous les pays du monde. En premier lieu, parmi les divers modèles spatiaux utilisés, le modèle reliant les migrations aux découpages du territoire permet de résumer simplement cette relation. Mais...
This short paper considers a number of temporal and spatial models that can be used for international comparison of internal migration levels across all countries of the world. First, among the various spatial models used, the model linking migrations to the zoning of the territory provides a simple summary of this relationship, but its parameters ...
Nouvelle édition revue
Nouvelle édition revue
Nouvelle édition revue
Although Africa is still the continent with the highest urban growth in the world, this paper shows that, in some African countries, rural outmigration is tending now to decrease, or at least to stagnate, while urban outmigration is on the rise. These trends are so sharp in Côte d'Ivoire that the country is experiencing a pattern of counterurbanisa...