Lentile, Sylvia Bianne, Guillaume Chevalier, Christophe Schmidt, Franziska Rasol, Mezgeen Orcesi, André Adelaide, Lucas Nedjar, Boumediene
In a complex network such as a road infrastructure system, disruptive events have direct consequences (loss of lives, structural damage, economy losses etc.) related to the sub-system level directly affected, as well as indirect consequences on the overall system level such as loss of functionality and related monetary consequences. To quantify the...
Chevalier, Christophe Larrarte, Frédérique
For centuries, the interaction between the transport and hydrographic networks represents a signifcant issue in a country such as France. For example, the French railway network includes 1700 river-crossing structures and an important length of embankments either forming river banks or adjacent to watercourses exposed to scouring processes. Recentl...
gasperi;, johnny
Although runoff from trafficked urban areas is recognized as a potentially significant pathway of micropollutants, runoff pollution remains poorly documented, except for relatively few historical pollutants such as some metals and hydrocarbons. Therefore, in this work, road and parking lot runoff from four sites with contrasting traffic levels were...
rasol;, mezgeen
Skid resistance is a significant feature that provides consistent traffic safety management for road pavements. An appropriate level of Skid resistance describes the contribution that the pavement surface makes to tire/road friction, and the surface of the road pavement can reduce vehicle operation cost, traffic accidents, and fatalities, particula...
KOVARIK, Jean-Bernard EVANS, Caroline Godart, Bruno MENDOZA, Juan Fernando Palhol, Fabien STARNES, Monica
Urban 20 Mayors Summit - U20, RIYAD, ARABIE SAOUDITE, 29-/10/2020 - 30/10/2020
Ientile, Silvia Schmidt, Franziska Chevalier, Christophe Orcesi, André Adelaide, Lucas Nedjar, Boumediene
12th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Hazard Mitigation, LISBONNE, Portugal, 23-/05/2020 - 25/05/2020
Zembri, Pierre
La gestion du réseau ferré français depuis la réforme de 1997 n’est guère différente de celle qui prévalait antérieurement : préservation des intérêts de la seule SNCF sur la partie la plus porteuse de son activité (grande vitesse), absence de stratégie concernant le réseau classique en dehors des prolongements des axes à grande vitesse. Parallèlem...
KOVARIK, Jean-Bernard
Face à la complexité des territoires et du phénomène urbain, l'Université Gustave Eiffel inscrit une partie significative de son action autour de grands thèmes : aménager et protéger les territoires, contribuer à l'aménagement soutenable des villes, à la structuration des périphéries et à l'accessibilité des territoires peu denses, trouver le sens ...
EVANS, Caroline Godart, Bruno KRIEGER, Jürgen KOVARIK, Jean-Bernard Mimram, Marc Palhol, Fabien
The need to provide resilient transport infrastructure systems is fundamental to enhancing the economic, social, and environmental viability of our cities. In addition to population growth, rapid urbanization, and aging infrastructure, cities increasingly face complex challenges due to the heightened frequency and intensity of natural hazards and t...
EVANS, Caroline GODART, Bruno KRIEGER, Jürgen KOVARIK, Jean-Bernard MIMRAM, Marc PALHOL, Fabien
The need to provide resilient transport infrastructure systems is fundamental to enhancing the economic, social, and environmental viability of our cities. In addition to population growth, rapid urbanization, and aging infrastructure, cities increasingly face complex challenges due to the heightened frequency and intensity of natural hazards and t...