Fairness models to improve the quality of service in ad-hoc wireless networks
L objectif de ce travail est l amélioration de la qualité de service (QdS) dans les réseaux sans fil ad-hoc avec équité. La QdS dans les réseaux sans fil ad-hoc est actuellement définie par la norme IEEE802.11e (EDCA). Elle permet de garantir l accès prioritaire aux ressources pour le trafic de priorité élevé (trafic temps réel et trafic multimédia...
This thesis aims to enhance the quality of service (QoS) in wireless ad-hoc networks with fairness. The QoS in wireless ad-hoc networks is referred to the standard IEEE802.11e (EDCA) to guarantee the high priority traffic (i.e. Multimedia and Real-time traffics). Further, the QoS is managed in each station by differentiating the packets in categori...
The advantages of using IEEE 802.11-based Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) in industrial automation applications are substantial and include: mobility, ease and speed of installation, flexibility and costs. But wireless applications for industrial automation applications have rigorous requirements on quality of service (QoS) for the transmission...
Published in annals of telecommunications - annales des télécommunications
Real-time applications introduce new requirements on wireless networks and impose quality thresholds on parameters like delay, jitter, throughput, and packet loss in order to run smoothly. This paper addresses this issue by presenting a MAC scheme that offers real-time applications the opportunity to reserve transmission time based on their QoS req...
In this paper, we discuss the issue of fairness in the IEEE802.11e over wireless mesh networks. Fairness is an important factor that we have to achieve before talking about QoS. Inspired by social networks approximations, and to achieve fairness and provide QoS by regulating heterogeneous traffic, we extended the original IEEE802.11e protocol by in...
Published in Wireless Personal Communications
IEEE802.11e is a concrete challenge to providing quality of service (QoS) aimed at interactive multimedia (IMM) applications due to the resource allocation parameter for heterogeneous traffic flows. This parameter is fixed for different specific IMM traffic flows in the IEEE802.11e standard. However, due to the variation in traffic load on wireless...
Published in Wireless Personal Communications
There is no network traffic classification in intermediate nodes in IEEE802.11e multi-hop wireless network, which results in delays for the traffic with higher levels of service. Also, there is no mechanism to support fairness in a shared environment with different classes of service, which leads to inappropriate quality of service. Previous studie...