Adams, Louise
This abstract discusses the importance of history courses in secondary education.The aims of history courses, methods of teaching history, the course of study, and qualification of history teachers are all examined.To do so, the reports of nine committees were analyzed. In the judgment of the committees, the most important qualifications for teache...
Deems, Howard W
Transcript of a speech given at the American Vocational Association breakfast for teacher trainers in 1961 on the topic of vocational agriculture.
Horner, James T.
(1) Employers in farm related occupations are not assuming the responsibility of educating their employees, (2) the proportion of workers able to secure unskilled employment is decreasing, (3) the numbers of skilled, technical, clerical, managerial and sales jobs are increasing, {4) many rural youth will inevitably enter non-farming agricultural jo...
Deems, Howard W
The University of Nebraska has a new training program for agricultural educators. It replaces the Department of Vocational Education established in 1922 for the purpose of training vocational agriculture and vocational homemaking teachers.
Horner, James T. Zikmund, Dale G.
An attempt was made in Nebraska to inventory occupations and analyze the knowledges and skills needed by a sample of employed persons. More specifically, the purposes were: To ascertain the various kinds of jobs held by workers in Nebraska. To analyze the opinions of a sample of workers, in agricultural occupations, regarding the knowledges and ski...
Dillon, Roy D
Book review of Summaries of Studies in Agricultural Education, 1965-1967 compiled by the Research Committee, Agricultural Education Division, American Vocational Association, Danville, Illinois: Interstate Printers and Publishers, 1970.
Dillon, Roy D Walker, University of Nebraska W
In a study to identify the applied biological science-oriented experiences of seventh grade students and to describe student aspirations for future study of applied biological and agribusiness subjects, a random sample of 1,286 7th-grade students was selected in Nebraska. The sample represented l0.l% of the 7th-grade students in Nebraska in 1970, a...
Olson, Paul Freeman, Larry Bowman, James Pieper, Jan
CONTENTS Introductory Letter Discussion Summary Acknowledgments List of Participants Educational Reform and Informational Needs "Manpower: Supply and Demand for Teaching Personnel" -- Leo Shapiro The Idea of Community and the Education of Teachers "The Transmission of American Culture" -- George D. Spindler "In the United States District Court for ...
Blezek, Allen G.
A study recently completed at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln was designed to measure the extent to which selected teacher educators are incorporating procedures for planning and conducting career education programs into teacher education curriculums. The objectives discussed here are the determination of the extent to which teacher education st...
Dillon, Roy D
Forty teachers of vocational agriculture in Nebraska worked an average of 2,652 hours per year, or 221 hours per month. About one-third of their time was used for teaching agriculture day classes, 11% for supervising Future Farmers of America (FFA) activities, 8% for curriculum planning, and 6% for supervising occupational experience programs. Thes...