Nachverbrennung von Loesemitteldampf mit Hilfe einer Verbrennungskraftmaschine (Kolbenmotor). Auslegung und Bau einer Na...
Seit einigen Jahren werden in mehreren Bundeslaendern Niedrigenergiehaeuser finanziell gefoerdert. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Untersuchung wird eine Auswertung der investiven Mehrkosten der Niedrigenergiebauweise am Beispiel erster abgerechneter Wohngebaeude aus den Foerderprogrammen der Bundeslaender Hessen und Schleswig-Holstein vorgelegt. Es zei...
The goal of the project was the further development of the moist air counterflow distillation process developed in the course of the project ''Solar Thermal Sea Water Desalination'' with a view to process and materials optimisation. Apart from the construction and laboratory testing of advanced prototype plants, a solar test facility was to be inst...
This research poject was dedicated to the assessment of the energy conservation and emission avoidance potentials of the plants subject to utilizing heat in an automobile paint shop. Emphasis was placed on the reduction of flue gas losses, the shortening of overtravel and heat-up phases, the installation of flue gas valves, and the recovery of heat...
This research report looks at possibilities of rainwater and non-drinking water utilisation as well as energy-saving technologies for solar water heating and waste water recovery. Most of these projects have been implemented in detached family houses, but the technology is also suitable for larger multi-flat residential buildings. Wide application ...