Hodgson, Dominic Roberts, Stephen Izagirre, Eñaut Perren, Bianca de Vleeschouwer, François Davies, Sarah Bishop, Thomas Mcculloch, Robert Aravena, Juan-Carlos
The southern limit of the Patagonian Ice Sheet at glacial maxima is poorly constrained due to a paucity of field data. This particularly applies to southern outlet glaciers of the Cordillera Darwin whose full extents have been debated by glacial geologists since 1899 CE, introducing uncertainty into estimates of total ice volume. Here we report on ...
dumont, mélody gomez, christopher arnaud-fassetta, gilles lissak, candide viel, vincent
On 5–6 July 2017, an unstable atmospheric condition caused an unusual concentration of rainfall above the Northern part of Kyushu Island, triggering a set of hydro-meteorological hazards. Within the affected area, the mountainous subwatershed of the Akatani River was significantly impacted by numerous landslides combined with debris flow and floods...
Vulliet, Marie
Les aquifères, constamment rechargés par l'infiltration de l'eau de pluie, sont des réservoirs d'eau souterraine. Celle-ci y est stockée sous forme de nappe phréatique dont la surface libre intersecte parfois celle du relief environnant : l'eau souterraine émerge alors hors de l'aquifère pour s'écouler à la surface. Lorsque l'écoulement est suffisa...
Portier, Emilie Mercier, Denis Decaulne, Armelle
The fjords of eastern Iceland display many landslide landforms. These phenomena, visible by remote observation of satellite images and Digital Elevation Models (DEM), were inventoried then measured and analysed. A total of 290 landslides were recorded in a spreadsheet database and in a Geographic Information System (GIS). For each landslide, locati...
Grimaud, Jean-Louis
Le transfert des sédiments vers les océans s’organise en différents compartiments : la zone source en érosion, la zone de transfert (les corridors fluviatiles) et la zone de sédimentation. Ce système est influencé par des forçages externes -tels que la tectonique ou le climat- mais il possède également une dynamique interne, qui peut absorber ou mo...
Mahne, Jan
V diplomskem delu sem proučil in opisal geomorfološke značilnosti območja Živega muzeja Krasa, ki se razteza med Sežano, Lipico in slovensko-italijansko mejo. Za cilje sem si postavil pregled literature in kartografskega gradiva, zamejitev proučevanega območja, izvedbo morfografske analize in sintezo ugotovitev. Na celotnem območju, ki ga uvrščamo ...
Fleagle, Samuel
In Nebraska, carbon dioxide emissions come from burning fossil fuels (approximately 15 million tons of CO2 per year) and from ethanol plants (approximately 4 million tons of CO2 per year). Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is therefore vital to improve the air quality in Nebraska and to enable these industries to operate. The study area for this pro...
Fontoura, Juliano de Oliveira Neves da
TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Geologia. / A bacia do Rio Biguaçu, localizada na porção central do litoral do estado de Santa Catarina (SC), possui longo histórico de cheias e enchentes, especialmente em períodos do verão devido a maior pluviosidade. O embasamento geológico da área ...
Garcia-Molsosa, A Orengo, HA Petrie, CA
Alluvial floodplains were one of the major venues of the development and long-term transformation of urban agrarian-based societies. The historical relationship between human societies and riverine environments created a rich archaeological record, but it is one that is not always easy to access due to the dynamism of alluvial floodplains and the g...
Wu, Yan-Bin Duan, Zhao Peng, Jian-Bing Zhang, Qing Pähtz, Thomas
Landslide deposits often exhibit surface features, such as transverse ridges and X-shaped conjugate troughs, whose physical formation origins are not well understood. To study the deposit morphology, laboratory studies typically focus on the simplest landslide geometry: an inclined plane accelerating the sliding mass immediately followed by its dec...