Rosander, Michael Salin, Denise Viita, Lina Blomberg, Stefan
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
The aim of this study was to examine the role of gender in the process of workplace bullying. In particular, we examined how gender affects reported prevalence rates and health consequences of bullying. In addition, we pay particular attention to if the measurement method – self-labelling or behavioural experience methods – affects potential gender...
Hellström, Lisa Beckman, Linda
Published in
Scandinavian journal of psychology
Gender norms are normative societal expectations regarding the behaviors of girls and boys that can guide bullying behavior. As early adolescence is a time when peer relations become increasingly important, it is critical to understand the peer relationships of adolescents and what is considered gender non-confirming behavior. Therefore, the aim of...
Lindberg, Ola
Published in
International journal of medical education
To examine how 'gendered ways of thinking' relate to role models in medical education. This study employed an explorative, qualitative, and cross-sectional design. A total of 57 interviews were held with medical students (28 interviews) and with faculty members (29 interviews) at a Swedish medical school. Participants were asked to describe their r...
Lewis, Ruth Hall, Matthew Hearn, Jeff
We welcome the review of legal protection for victims of domestic violence. Our work on online gendered violence, abuse and violations reveals the myriad ways in which domestic violence can be perpetrated online and through various electronic devices, as well as offline, ‘in real life’. Online gendered violence, abuse and violations involve the con...
Thöresson, Sanna
This thesis investigates the portrayal of non-violent direct action (NVDA) in This Is Not a Drill: An Extinction Rebellion Handbook by considering the two chapters “Courting Arrest” by Jay Griffiths, and “The Civil Resistance Model” by Roger Hallam. Using critical discourse analysis in the style of Norman Fairclough, I examine the textual features,...
Logge, Jessica
This rhetorical study aims to investigate how gender constructions are produced and reproduced through linguistic and symbolic expressions. Thus, there has been interest in analyzing recruitment films from the state authority – The Swedish Employment Service – primarily regarding male- and female dominated professions to gain knowledge of how they ...
Hübinette, Linnea
I denna studie undersöks Feministiskt Initiativs (F!) motion om att byta ut könsprefixet -man till det könsneutrala -person i kommunpolitiken. Detta med fokus på bytet av tjänsteman till tjänsteperson i de utvalda kommunerna för undersökningen. Dessa är Malmö stad, där motionen gick igenom, Umeå kommun, där motionen inte gick igenom, s...
Sivén, Annie Möllenhoff, Nichole
Följande kandidatuppsats är en kvalitativ studie angående kvinnors yrkesval inom IT- branschen med fokus på User Experience Design. Syftet med studien är att undersöka varför kvinnor i allt större utsträckning söker sig till UX Design, då man inte ser denna utveckling i övriga professioner inom IT. Problemområdet blir därmed att studera om det finn...
Lindström, Ida-Maja
Utopian thinking can be understood as an exploration of desires beyond current realities. Seeing ecovillages as spaces for utopian practices, the aim is to investigate what space exists for gender equality and how the utopianism can be used to challenge unwanted patterns. Grounded theory is used to build knowledge from women’s experiences gathered ...
Fredengren, Christina Åsberg, Cecilia
Starting from the assumptions of feminist perspectives from various forms of re-invented humanities, this chapter approaches the major research question of how better to re-tie the material and immaterial knots between past, present and future generations for heritage research. This is a research question guiding us in our project on deep-time inte...