Manns, Ulla
This article explores memory politics in the context of the centennial of women’s suffrage, focusing on the jubilee for democracy in 2018-22, initiated and organised by the Swedish parliament. The article pays particular attention to how the centennial celebration of votes for women is represented and materialised during the jubilee. Similar to its...
Baird, Josephine Harrer, Sabine
Game design processes, just like games themselves, are infused with unconscious values which need to be made transparent to ensure a successful outcome. Building on previous studies in educational and queer game design, this paper critically reflects on the values of our game design process with Allied Forces, a game which aims to teach trans allys...
Andersson, Julia
The aim of this study is to describe and explain how five women with a non-European background find the expression of everyday racism in today’s Swedish society, how everyday racism can affect their mental health and how they experience that the Swedish majority population handle and respond to everyday racism. The study is qualitative and was made...
Auregård, Alice
Syfte: Allt fler svenskar känner sig otrygga utomhus när det är mörkt, speciellt kvinnor som till och med i vissa fall väljer att inte gå ut. Denna otrygghet begränsar kvinnors rörelsefrihet utomhus. Tidigare studier om ljus och färgtemperatur har funnit en skillnad mellan kvinnors och mäns preferens för ljus utomhus, dock krävs ytterligare studier...
Ovner, Louise
This study examines the Swedish Basketball Federations work with Strategy 2025 as a means for gender mainstreaming. The aim of this study was to examine how the Federation constructs gender equality within their organization and how that becomes evident in their daily work. The aim was also to investigate which opportunities and challenges emerges ...
Fallahi, Sara Jersler Fransson, Cajsa Sandberg Jadaan, Taline Nordström, Eva Carlgren, Lisa Lindberg, Jouni
När #metoo-rörelsen svepte över världen startade kvinnor i sjöfarten i Sverige ett eget upprop som lyfte ett stort antal frågor rörande den sociala arbetsmiljön ombord, detta blev under 2018 startskottet för initiativet Vågrätt. Vågrätt är ett samarbete mellan branschföreningar/arbetsgivarorganisationer, fackföreningar, akademi, myndigheter, studen...
Sjöberg Forssberg, Karin Parding, Karolina Vänje, Annika
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine and discuss conditions for workplace learning in gender-segregated workplaces in the public sector, how social constructions of gender contribute to (or constrain) the workplace learning conditions within two workplace contexts. Design/methodology/approach The research was carried out through an inter...
Wibeck, Victoria Linnér, Björn-Ola
While sense-making is a frequently used concept in everyday discourse and in several social science research areas, discussions about how the concept translates into methodology are currently scarce. This paper introduces a framework for analyzing how actors in different cultural contexts make sense of global concepts. By this we refer to expressio...
Kisiel, Marta A. Kühner, Sofia Stolare, Karin Lampa, Erik Wohlin, Martin Johnston, Nina Rask-Andersen, Anna
Published in
BMC Medical Education
BackgroundGender discrimination (GD) and sexual harassment (SH) occur at all academic institutions worldwide. Medical students report high prevalence of GD and SH, which may negatively affect their education and health. There are indications that policies and reforms on reducing GD/SH are insufficient. Swedish medical students’ experiences of GD/SH...
Brännström, Lotta Nyhlén, Sara Gillander Gådin, Katja
Published in
International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being
Girls face gendered violence on an everyday basis, and this may have severe health consequences. Purpose: The aim of this study was to learn about gendered violence facing girls in rural Sweden in their everyday life, as it is experienced by the girls themselves. Method: Using the photovoice method, we worked with 35 girls in an upper secondary sch...