Bröms, Emelie
Genom att studera Greta Thunbergs resa från riksdagshuset i Stockholm till FN:s generalförsamling i New York fyller denna uppsats två syften. Dels att studera vilka intersektioner som bidrar till Thunbergs inledande ethos, hur ethos sedan förändras över tid och vilka retoriska strategier som skapar förändringen. Dels att föra samman två ämnen och t...
Thomsen, Yasmin Reuben Adler
With a tense political landscape with stigmatizing discourse about migrants and so-called migrant ghettos, alongside continuous indications of gender imbalances in public spaces in Copenhagen, a focus on migrant women was chosen. The thesis takes its outset in a photo project conducted in Kringlebakken, an integration house in Copenhagen. Six migra...
Torpe, Martin
The perception of how sexed bodies should behave and look has shifted throughout history and today we see a rise in discussions about bodily autonomy and the opportunity for diverse bodies to co-exist and flourish in modern society. Human rights activists and organisations led by people born with intersexual variations of sex characteristics (IVSC)...
Karlsson, Sonja
In this magister thesis I will critically analyse the possibility to transfer one’s premium pension rights to one’s spouse or registered partner using Carol Bacchi’s WPR approach. After a short presentation of the Swedish pension system, I will use delve deeper into the policy and discuss what it acknowledges, silences, and contributes to. Several ...
Nicole, Mullane
This study explores experiences of public sexual harassment among young women in the UKin light of a renewed focus on violence against women after Sarah Everard was raped andmurdered while walking home during lockdown. Thirteen young women were interviewed while this case dominated British media and public debate. The paper’s focuses is on how this...
Lindén, Ida Holmquist, Nathalie
Syftet med vår kunskapsöversikt är att kartlägga hur lärares genusrelaterade förväntningar påverkar pojkar och flickor i skolan enligt forskning. Finns det kopplingar mellan dessa förväntningar och elevernas resultat? Vilka följder kan då detta ha för elevernas kommande livsom framtidens samhällsmedborgare? Sökningar på olika databaser har gjort at...
Stenlund, Kimberly
Male perpetrators have long been over-represented in the criminal justice system. This seems to have resulted in a picture of perpetrators as generally being male. This study aims to investigate differences in the portrayal of perpetrators in relation to gender in the Swedish justice system, by performing a discourse analysis on twelve judgements w...
Magnusson, Elsa
Currently, the world as we know it is undergoing many different transformations towards a more sustainable future, one of which is the energy transition. The energy transition is a wicked problem that requires transformative and creative thinking to be solved. One way to foster an innovative environment in organizations is by having a diverse workf...
Linander, Ida Goicolea, Isabel Wiklund, Maria Gotfredsen, Anne Strömbäck, Maria
While sexual consent has been a hot topic during recent years in the Swedish context, there is a lack of empirical studies on the issue. The aims of this study were to analyse how adults in Sweden experience and make sense of sexual (non)consent in sexual encounters, and to contribute to a conceptual discussion of sexual consent, especially in rela...
Åsberg, Cecilia
We are currently witnessing a genuine proliferation of new feminist or pro-feminist work on posthumanities, in art and research, in Sweden as in other corners of the world. What matters most to me as a feminist scholar is the synergy and new conversations within feminist theory, and what they can do. Reinventing the humanities today can no longer s...