Skewes, Lea Adrian, Stine Willum
Doing feminist work from within patriarchal institutions comes with unique challenges. We invited two activists and feminist studies professors, Rosi Braidotti and Nina Lykke, to reflect on feminists’ long march through patriarchal university institutions. Concretely, we asked them to reflect upon three themes. Firstly, we asked them to situate the...
Akbal, Gül
Turkey and its authoritarian policies are in the headlines: the topic of Syrian refugees and the EU – Turkey deal, gross human rights violations, repression against opposition parties, and last but not least the withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention in March 2021. Heavy protests of feminist activist groups are demanding the end of gender-based vi...
Hörlin, Louise
I denna studie undersöks kvinnliga tatuerares uppfattningar av, och förhållning till, genus och kön inom tatueringsyrket. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur genus görs och påverkar yrkesidentiteten, med fokus på kvinnor i ett mansdominerat yrke. Uppsatsens material bygger på intervjuer, observationer och frågesvar från en separatistisk, sluten Fac...
Westdahl, Emma
Vi befinner oss idag i ett läge där det aldrig tidigare har varit så stor del av den svenska befolkningen som är sjuk av stress, och där just de unga kvinnorna står för den allra största ökningen (Sahlgrenska 2019). Trots att de unga kvinnorna är i tydlig majoritet i statistiken över stress och utmattning i Sverige, finns förhållandevis få studier ...
Wallenberg, Louise Jansson, Maria Stigsdotter, Ingrid Papadopoulou, Frantzeska
Focusing on Sweden, this article departs from the proposition that film production and the film industry are governed by institutional arrangements that produce and reproduce gender and gender relations. The article is based on interviews with directors and producers and analyses how Swedish directors and producers describe their roles and relation...
Hearn, Jeff
Workplaces are typically highly gendered – often dramatically so, in terms of organisational hierarchies of authority, divisions of labour, and many other features. Yet, at first sight, many organisations might appear to convey an air of gender-neutrality, even sexlessness, and may present, or might like to present, an image of themselves as sites ...
Darvishpour(Bagherishad), Zahra
The current study has been analysing and discussing the rise of alternative masculinities among the younger generation of Iranian men, with the focus on the protest action of part of Iranian social media users to Romina’s honour killing as a case study. This interpretative research was conducted using thematic analysis within a perspective of inter...
Haandrikman, Karen Webster, Natasha A. Duvander, Ann-Zofie
Despite Sweden's national gender-neutral family and social policies, local differences in gender contracts exist and have been related to differences in the structure of the labour market and cultural traditions. Existing studies are outdated and used relatively large administratively defined areas, which may lead to several measurement and interpr...
Gotfredsen, Anne
Background: The reasons why young people are increasingly suffering frommental health problems, and the opportunities to turn this development aroundare globally debated. Stressors such as education, relationships, futuretrajectories of housing and employment all constitute important factors affectingyoung people’s mental health, leading to stress ...
Holmqvist, Sam
The pastrycook Aron Forss was a well-known person in his hometown Uppsala in the 1840’s and 1850’s, famous both for his popular café and for his femininity. This article analyses the rumors that surrounded his person, using paintings, newspaper clippings, and memoirs written by his former customers. Through his business, Forss could lay claim on no...