Mitander, Tomas
The aim of this article is to contribute to the discussions about the relationship between feminism and neoliberalism and the status of feminist emancipatory claims in marketized policy fields. My approach has been to analyse gender equality work within the highly marketized field of regional development in Sweden with a specific interest for how t...
Monju Ekwe, Monique
Gender discrimination towards pregnant adolescent girls aged 15 to 19 is prevalent across Africa, including Cameroon, where the issue is particularly complex due to entrenched socio-cultural norms and policies. This research examines the impact of gender discrimination on pregnant adolescent girls in Cameroon through a comprehensive literature revi...
de Jong, Danielle
The purpose of this study is to examine how The Satanic Temple does Satanic Feminism in an American context in their fight for equality. The material in this study consists of text, imagery and lay-out published on the Satanic Temple’s website. This material was examined with Multi Modal Critical Discourse Analysis. My theoretical stance, with its ...
Cregård, Anna Forsberg, Tina
By exploring the perceptions of cooperation between technostructure experts and middle line managers of different departments in three Swedish municipalities in a qualitative study, this paper contributes to an understanding of how gendered norms inscribed in type of work influence expectations on cooperation. Theories of principal-agent, stewardsh...
Öhman, Ann Vives -Cases, Carmen Edin, Kerstin
Background: Men’s violence against women is a global health problem causing physical, mental, sexual and reproductive ill-health. The World Health Organisation has estimated that every third woman in the world has been exposed to physical and/or sexual violence. Swedish primary care is central for victims of violence, as it is normally the first po...
Balkmar, Dag
Trots att många städer och kommuner uppmanar sina invånare att cykla, gå och åka kollektivt för hälsans och miljöns skull, är bilen fortfarande det vanligaste transportmedlet i Sverige. Trots en ökad elektrifiering av bilflottan transporterar vi oss främst med hjälp av bensin- och dieseldrivna motorer, vilka släpper ut luftföroreningar som skadar v...
Nilsson, Emma Radovanovic Kennander, Elena
Denna studie är en analys på två av Astrid Lindgrens verk: Känner du Pippi Långstrump? och Titta, Madicken, det snöar!. Metoden är en text- och dokumentstudie samt en bildanalys och har ett klass- och genusperspektiv som analytiskt tema. För att besvara våra frågeställningar har vi använt oss av de utvalda barnböckerna utifrån text och bild, samt g...
Herold, Stephanie Becker, Andréa Schroeder, Rosalyn Sisson, Gretchen
Evidence suggests that entertainment media may influence knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to health topics. After the overturning of Roe v. Wade, it is critical to examine how these media may be associated with people’s knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral intentions related to abortion. Using a non-experimental ex post facto design, we ...
Paulsson, Oliver
The aim with the following study is to define and analyse different types of masculinities in literature, present why they occur and how to work with them in the EFL classroom. The primary source used in this essay is Rick Moody´s short story “Boys”. This text follows two brothers growing up with masculine norms and how they affect them throughout ...
Najafi, Hamid
Under kontrollen av talibanernas totalitära regim har Afghanistan upplevt betydande inskränkningar i kvinnors rättigheter. Dessa inskränkningar inkluderar begränsningar i politiskt deltagande, rätt till utbildning och arbete, samt synlighet i det offentliga rummet. Under de 20 år då USA och världssamfundet var närvarande i landet, gjordes framsteg ...