Cottet, M. Rivière-Honegger, A. Evette, A. Piola, Florence Rouifed, S. Dommanget, Françoise Vaudor, L. Valy, J.
Les paysage fluviaux évoluent selon des dynamiques de temps long au regard de l'action environnementale. Leur gestion suppose d'adopter une perspective de long terme qui occasionne, chez les acteurs de l'eau, une grande diversité de représentations concernant les pratiques à adopter. Cet article analyse comment leurs représentations s'articulent av...
CASTAINGS, Ali BOUSCAYROL, Alain LHOMME, Walter Trigui, Rochdi
20th IFAC World Congress, TOULOUSE, FRANCE, 09-/07/2017 - 14/07/2017
Commandré, B. Chahinian, Nanée Bailly, J.B. Chaumont, M. Subsol, G. Rodriguez, F. Derras, M. Dreulle, L. Delenne, C.
Accurate maps of sewer and stormwater networks in cities are mandatory for an integrated management of water resources. However, in many countries this information is unavailable or inaccurate. A new two-fold mapping method is put forward. The first step consists in using image processing techniques to detect buried network surface elements such as...
Mekki, I. Ghazouani, W. Closas, A. Molle, François
Avoiding the negative effects of intensive groundwater resource use is challenging, especially when the interactions and causal pathways between biophysical and socioeconomic processes are complex, and when users, management, and regulatory bodies are spatially dispersed. The plain of Haouaria, in north-eastern Tunisia, has witnessed an important d...
Poupeau, F. Hardy, Sébastien
The development of water supply and sanitation networks in the cities of Latin America have mostly followed European models, with city-wide systems providing water through a network of pipes controlled by a single operator. This article explores alternatives to this system through a case study of La Paz and El Alto in Bolivia, where many families g...
Molle, François
River basins are geographical units in which all streams drain to a common terminus, but as a political boundary it is also the result of a choice and social construction. The concept has, from the nineteenth century onward, chiefly been mobilized for justifying and rationalizing the large-scale development of water resources by powerful water bure...
Poupeau, F. Hardy, Sébastien
The development of water supply and sanitation networks in the cities of Latin America have mostly followed European models, with city-wide systems providing water through a network of pipes controlled by a single operator. This article explores alternatives to this system through a case study of La Paz and El Alto in Bolivia, where many families g...
FRANCOIS, Denis LE FEON, Violette
Depuis une vingtaine d'années, le déclin des insectes pollinisateurs suscite des inquiétudes et des questions au sein de la communauté scientifique et des pouvoirs publics. Parmi ces insectes, les abeilles sauvages contribuent de façon significative à la pollinisation de nombreuses cultures et plantes sauvages. Comme de nombreux insectes elles sont...
Martin, C. Cadiou, C. Jannès-Ober, E.
In the context of E-science and open access, visibility and impact of scientific results and data have become important aspects for spreading information to users and to the society in general. The objective of this general trend of the economy is to feed the innovation process and create economic value. In our institute, the French National Resear...
Mekki, I. Ghazouani, W. Closas, A. Molle, François
Avoiding the negative effects of intensive groundwater resource use is challenging, especially when the interactions and causal pathways between biophysical and socioeconomic processes are complex, and when users, management, and regulatory bodies are spatially dispersed. The plain of Haouaria, in north-eastern Tunisia, has witnessed an important d...