Catoni, Anna Backsten, Sofia
Vård av svårt sjuka döende människor innefattar fysiska, psykiska, sociala och existentiella aspekter. En vårdform som beaktar detta är hospice. Tidigare forskning visar att socionomers arbetsfält är vitt och brett och saknar jurisdiktion, socionomyrket saknar legitimation vilket medför att jurisdiktionen behöver skapas på annat sätt. Den svåra avg...
Lundvall, Disa
Denna uppsats undersöker de queera perspektiven i John Ajvide Lindqvists roman Låt den rätte komma in. De metoder som tillämpats är en innehållsanalytisk- och motströmsläsning för att synliggöra de element som är relevanta för uppsatsen. Syftet är att bidra med en djupare förståelse av de queerteoretiska element som finns i verket kopplat till vamp...
Lafont, Loriane
International audience
Bergström Linder, Carin
The purpose of this paper is to describe public seating applied in parks. The paper has two objectives: to analyse why a movable chair could be a first choice in public parks, and define key factors to explain the experience of the tranquility of the Luxembourg garden. The research questions in the current paper are as follows: what significance do...
Sundberg, Angelina Sundqvist, Matilda
The public and media are paying more attention to youth offending today and reform proposals that call for more parental responsibility as a means of preventing crime have taken note of this trend. The purpose of the study is to examine discursive descriptions on parenting as they are articulated in relation to parents of young offenders in a selec...
Skornicki, Arnault Tournadre, Jérôme
L’histoire des idées politiques s’est longtemps résumée au commentaire savant de grands penseurs ou de grandes questions éternelles. Partout dans le monde, les entreprises de refondation se sont pourtant multipliées depuis les années 1970, portées par des approches parfois divergentes, mais s’accordant sur la nécessité de ne pas traiter les idées c...
Lagouanère, Jérôme
International audience
Kronqvist Håård, Malin
This thesis investigates the power dynamics between state and municipal actors within the state-initiated school improvement program, Co-operation for the Best School Possible (CBS). CBS can be seen as an example of the numerous reforms driven by the global education reform movement (GERM), which is rooted in neoliberal ideologies. The thesis aims ...
Andersson, Martin
This essay focuses on exploring power structures within George Orwell's narratives 1984 andAnimal Farm, through the theoretical lens of Panopticism and the discourse of language andpower. By adding Steven Lukes' multidimensional view of power it digs deep into thecomplexity of power relations and further enriches our understanding of the subject. W...
Ryan, Mark
The use of a ‘human-centred’ artificial intelligence approach (HCAI) has substantially increased over the past few years in academic texts (1600 +); institutions (27 Universities have HCAI labs, such as Stanford, Sydney, Berkeley, and Chicago); in tech companies (e.g., Microsoft, IBM, and Google); in politics (e.g., G7, G20, UN, EU, and EC); and ma...