Secco, Luciane Gabeira Pereira, Maria Lúcia Toralles
New social demands challenge the teaching practices of higher education in Dentistry. We investigated the concept of the quality of education, as seen by professors who work in the field of Dentistry. The universe of this study consists of the coordinators of the Undergraduate Course of those Schools of Dentistry in the State of São Paulo that offe...
Santos, Lucíola Licinio de C. P.
Busca-se neste artigo demonstrar a importância da análise das repercussões das novas políticas públicas no campo educacional. No que diz respeito ao trabalho docente, constata-se que tais políticas vêm influenciando a criação de novos interesses e valores. Esta é uma decorrência do desenvolvimento da chamada cultura do desempenho. É neste processo,...
de guido, tatiana martins
Nao informado.
Alves Paraíso, Marlucy
The present article works in the perspective of Michel Foucault's governmentality, and makes use of his concept of govern with the purpose of discussing the authorities summoned and authorized in part of the discourse of the Brazilian educational media on school education circulated between 1999 and 2001. The discourse investigated is signified as ...
Paraíso, Marlucy Alves
Este artigo trabalha com a perspectiva da governamentalidade de Michel Foucault e utiliza o seu conceito de governo com o intuito de discutir as autoridades convocadas e autorizadas em uma parte do discurso da mídia educativa brasileira sobre educação escolar, divulgada entre os anos de 1999 e 2001. O discurso investigado é significado como integra...
Miranda, Sérgio Luiz
Este trabalho é orientado para a compreensão das abordagens do desenho no ensino de geografia, buscando possibilidades didáticas do desenho para abordar conteúdos curriculares nas séries iniciais da escola fundamental, tomando o conceito geográfico de lugar como eixo estruturador do currículo e a perspectiva crítica marxista como referencial na Geo...
Miranda, Sérgio Luiz
This study is oriented towards the comprehension of the drawing approaches in teaching geography, finding didactic possibilities to deal with the contents of the initial grades of primary education, taking the geographic concept of place as structural axle of the curriculum and the marxist critical perspective as reference in Geography and Educatio...
Miranda, Sérgio Luiz
This study is oriented towards the comprehension of the drawing approaches in teaching geography, finding didactic possibilities to deal with the contents of the initial grades of primary education, taking the geographic concept of place as structural axle of the curriculum and the marxist critical perspective as reference in Geography and Educatio...
Miranda, Sérgio Luiz
This study is oriented towards the comprehension of the drawing approaches in teaching geography, finding didactic possibilities to deal with the contents of the initial grades of primary education, taking the geographic concept of place as structural axle of the curriculum and the marxist critical perspective as reference in Geography and Educatio...
Trento Rebello de Souza, Denise
This article deals with the theme of teacher education, especially with continued education and its relation with the low quality of public school systems. It presents analyses from a research on the main educational programs implemented by the government of the State of São Paulo in the 1982-1994 period. Together with the documental analysis, an e...