Fuhr, Norbert Giachanou, Anastasia Grefenstette, Gregory Gurevych, Iryna Hanselowski, Andreas Jarvelin, Kalervo Jones, Rosie Liu, Yiqun Mothe, Josiane Nejdl, Wolfgang
With the proliferation of online information sources, it has become more and more difficult to judge the trustworthiness of news found on the Web. The beauty of the web is its openness, but this openness has lead to a proliferation of false and unreliable information, whose presentation makes it difficult to detect. It may be impossible to detect w...
Fuhr, Norbert Giachanou, Anastasia Grefenstette, Gregory Gurevych, Iryna Hanselowski, Andreas Jarvelin, Kalervo Jones, Rosie Liu, Yiqun Mothe, Josiane Nejdl, Wolfgang
With the proliferation of online information sources, it has become more and more difficult to judge the trustworthiness of news found on the Web. The beauty of the web is its openness, but this openness has lead to a proliferation of false and unreliable information, whose presentation makes it difficult to detect. It may be impossible to detect w...
Badouard, Romain
La propagation des fausses informations sur les réseaux sociaux est devenue un véritable problème de société. En première ligne face à ce phénomène, les journalistes fact-checkers vérifient et labellisent inlassablement les informations en circulation sur internet. Malgré l’intention louable, le chercheur Romain Badouard s’interroge sur l’efficacit...
Barraud, Boris
La désinformation est, depuis l’invention du langage, un moyen de faire l’histoire en influençant les opinions et les sentiments populaires. Les guerres de l’information sont donc un phénomène ancien. Avec internet, cependant, ce phénomène change de dimension et pose des questions inédites. Les nouvelles technologies permettent aux diverses formes ...
Flodell, Cornelia
Stockholm den 7 april 2017, klockan 14:59: rapporter om en lastbil som körde på människor längs Drottninggatan i centrala Stockholm, nådde allmänheten. Det konstaterades snabbt vara en terrorattack. Kort efter attacken började uppgifter om skottlossning på olika platser runt Stockholm att spridas. Ryktena cirkulerade i drygt en timme innan polisen ...
Mercier, Arnaud
S’il est un terme qui a fait florès en un temps record à partir de septembre 2016, c’est bien celui de « fake news ». En pleine campagne électorale américaine, les partisans de Donald Trump, ceux qui ont su surfer sur son succès à coup de scandales et de déclarations tonitruantes pour faire de l’argent, ou encore des puissances étrangères en mal de...
Das, Sandip Ghosh, Shiv Shakti
The internet with its growing wings is slowly shadowing the library. It is true that the internet has brought a revolutionary change in the way information is dealt with, but the internet has also brought some perils with it. Throughout the ages, libraries have been considered as the bank of knowledge. But nowadays this faith has been challenged qu...
Bagewitz, Markus Linder, Alexander
Trovärdighet – en allt viktigare del att upprätthålla för journalister då falska nyheter blir vanligare. På senare tid har begreppet fake news används frekvent, speciellt i nyheter angående amerikanska presidentvalet 2017. Det blir således intressant att undersöka hur journalister arbetar för trovärdighet och hur läsare upplever den. Detta är en kv...
Palomo Torres, María Bella Sedano Amundarain, Jon A.
Introduction. According to the Digital News Report 2017, Spain is the European country with the highest penetration of WhatsApp for news consumption. Hypothesis and objectives. This tool of immediate communication allows media to increase from a qualitative perspective sources, traffic and even involve active audiences in fact-checking tasks. Our g...
Ufarte Ruiz, María José Murcia Verdú, Francisco José
Fake news is a growing phenomenon which is affecting journalistic practices in the news-room and it is contributing to create new business models at the same time. Fact checkers, using and verifying data, enhance trust and credibility, and create new professional opportunities for journalists. The purpose of this research is to analyze whether data...