GuD-Kraftwerk '500 MW auf einer Welle' (AG TURBO II). Vorhaben 3.3.2.B.: Modellierung von Mehrfachbrennersystemen 'Insta...
The mixing of fuel and air is a key factor with respect to the quality of combustion, particularly with regard to the combustion of liquid fuels like light fuel oil. In contrast to gases, liquid fuels have to be vaporized, and mixing with air is more difficult. A new concept to generate a homogeneous fuel vapour/air-mixture using so-called cool fla...
Subject of this project was to determine new emission factors and the actual emission load of particulate matter from combustion appliances for solid and liquid fuels used by households and the small consumer sector in Germany. A difference for the emissions of particles was made between the total quantity of emitted particles and the particle frac...
Programm: Energieverbrauch, Ressourcen, Umweltprobleme; Biogene Brennstoffe Hackgut und Scheitholz; der Brennstoff Pellets; die Lager- und Austragstechnik von Hackgut und Pellets; Gesetzliche Anforderungen an Raeumlichkeiten, Luft- und Abgasfuehrung; Verbrennungstechnik; Feuerungstechnik; Zertifizierung und Sicherheitstechnische Pruefung; Hydraulis...