Untersuchung der Partialoxidation von Schwefelwasserstoff zur Trockenentschwefelung von Brenngasen
In addition to the traditional development goals like reliability, emission behaviour and energetic efficiency, the competition between the systems used for warming heating and drinking water is compelling the manufacturers of oil-fired heating systems to take increasingly into account product requirements such as adjustability, space requirements ...
The DLR-Jet-REMPI method - a laboratory method - was to be developed for use in industrial conditions, especially waste incineration. The emphasis was on compactness, robustness, and high sensitivity for organic chlorine compounds, especially dioxins and furans. The project partner FZK was to develop a hot gas sampling technique and to define relev...
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden erstmals gepulste Mikrowellenplasmaquellen in Hinblick auf ihre Eignung zum NO_x-Abbau in synthetischen Abgasgemischen untersucht, wobei vier unterschiedliche Quellen zum Einsatz kamen. Im Vordergrund stand dabei das Studium der grundlegenden Prozesse, die Stickoxidreduktion bewirken, weshalb die Untersuchungen auf...
The study examines measures to reduce dioxin formation in thermal waste treatment. The VERONA pilot plant (VErbrennungsanlage mit feststehendem ROst und getrennter NAchbrennkammer - incineration plant with stationary grate and separate post-combustion chamber) was developed to carry out practical experiments. The experiments were conducted using wo...
The aim of this study is a comparison of different kinds of flue gas cleaning systems of municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWI). This comparison will be done with the aid of material flow analysis. In addition, investment costs will be taken into consideration. The main topic of the investigation is the relationship between type of flue gas clea...