Rural diversity, agricultural innovation policies and poverty reduction
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
This Other presents a film produced in the Ghibe valley on trypanosomosis control. It starts with an introduction by Dr John McDermot; and comprises a film; a film with explanatory commentary; and a complete english sub-titles for the film or film with commentary.
International audience
Irrigated fodder production can be vitalised as a useful strategy to sustainably intensify subsistence livestock production owned and managed by smallholders and to diversify farm income through linkages to commercial livestock systems. However, uncertainty about the production and market environment of such a non-traditional commodity can be a maj...
Agricultural water management, particularly management of multi-purpose small reservoirs (SRs) in drier savanna areas of the northern Ghana, is being promoted as a key solution to improve agricultural production, enhance food security and livelihoods of smallholder farm households. However, little empirical evidence exist on how effective these sma...
The Union Budget 2018 announced the Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan, a scheme to replace diesel pumps and grid-connected electric tube wells for irrigation with solar irrigation pumps, including a buy-back arrangement for farmers’ surplus solar energy at a remunerative price. KUSUM can be a game changer as it can check groundwater over-...
Another reform of the CAP is on the agenda. This common policy, which was initiated almost 60 years ago is criticised by almost everybody. Even farmers, who are the main beneficiaries, are critical. Moreover, many NGOs that are concerned with a broad range of issues such as the environment, food safety, animal welfare, etc. argue that the CAP makes...