Transitions to adulthood in Norway
'To begin with, we sketch a general multilevel model of regional social contexts and individual family formation behavior, where particular attention is paid to the determinants of the actor's situation. Then a set of bridge hypotheses is proposed, on which the empirical investigation of the relationship between properties of the spatial context an...
'This contribution to the first GLOBALIFE workshop (2001) examines the impact of globalization on women's transition to adulthood in Mexico. The analysis draws on longitudinal data from the 1998 National Retrospective Demographic Survey (EDER) to examine changes in patterns of labor market entry, first occupation, union formation, and first childbe...
'In this paper, we apply event history analysis to examine the possible determinants of marital disruption in the Czech Republic. We use the method of hazard regression with the baseline captured by multiple duration clocks; the event under observation is the first marital union disruption. We use the Fertility and Family Survey data from 1997, whi...