Lindeskog, Mats Smith, Benjamin Lagergren, Fredrik Sycheva, Ekaterina Ficko, Andrej Pretzsch, Hans Rammig, Anja
Global forests are the main component of the land carbon sink, which acts as a partial buffer to CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Dynamic vegetation models offer an approach to projecting the development of forest carbon sink capacity in a future climate. Forest management capabilities are important to include in dynamic vegetation models to acco...
Glavan, Matjaž Železnikar, Špela Velthof, Gerard Boekhold, Sandra Langaas, Sindre Pintar, Marina
Throughout the European Union (EU), high concentrations of nitrates and pesticides are among the major polluting components of drinking water and have potential long-term impacts on the environment and human health. Many research projects co-funded by the European Commission have been carried out, but the results often do not influence policy makin...
Bezak, Nejc Mikoš, Matjaž Borrelli, Pasquale Liakos, Leonidas Panagos, Panos
Heavy rainstorms play a central role in the water-driving soil erosion processes. An in-depth knowledge about temporal and spatial erosivity of rainfall events is required to gain a better understanding of soil erosion processes and optimize soil protection measures efficiency. In this study, the spatiotemporal distribution of more than 300,000 ero...
Ribič, Patricija
Uvod: Gripa je nalezljiva virusna bolezen, ki se pojavlja vsako leto. Okužba z njo predstavlja enega od pomembnih vzrokov obolevnosti in umrljivosti med nosečnicami po vsem svetu. V Zadnjih letih se nosečnicam zato priporoča cepljenje proti gripi z mrtvim cepivom. Cepivo poleg nosečnic pred okužbo ščiti tudi novorojenčke, še nekaj mesecev po rojstv...
Ravljen, Mirjam Bilban, Marjan Kajfež-Bogataj, Lučka Hovelja, Tomaž Vavpotič, Damjan
Background: A nationwide study was conducted to explore the short term association between daily individual meteorological parameters and the incidence of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) treated with coronary emergency catheter interventions in the Republic of Slovenia, a south-central European country. Method: We linked meteorological data with dail...
Simonič, Manca
Zdrava prehrana v otroštvu zmanjšuje tveganje za pojav kroničnih nenalezljivih bolezni ter pozitivno vpliva na razvoj in učne sposobnosti otrok. Svetuje se uživanje zelenjave, sadja, polnozrnatih izdelkov, pustega mesa, nenasičenih maščob ter redna telesna dejavnost. Vseeno pa je delež predebelih otrok v Evropi visok, v povprečju je leta 2018 za 15...
Mason, William L. Diaci, Jurij Carvalho, J. Valkonen, Sauli
There is increasing interest across Europe in adopting forest management strategies, which promote species and structural diversity through the use of irregular silvicultural systems, an approach often described as continuous cover forestry (CCF). However, there is little information about the proportion of CCF practised across the continent or abo...
Culetto, Urban
Avtor v diplomskem delu na podlagi zgodovinskih dejstev prikaže in utemelji nastanek okoliščin, ki so botrovale in omogočile razvoj fašistične in nacistične ideologije v dvajsetem stoletju. V nadaljevanju se avtor osredotoči na raziskovanje in prikaz temeljnih konceptov in idej nacistične ideologije. Temeljne koncepte in ideje nato poizkusi poiskat...
Fatur, Karsten
The current research focused on the ethnobotanical uses and context of the anticholinergic members of the botanical family Solanaceae in Europe by using a range of methods such as historical analysis, literature review, ethnographic techniques, HPLC, and botanical sampling. Though the research showed a high degree of knowledge and use for these pla...
Veselinovič, Jaro
V magistrskem delu sem se osredotočil na postsocialistično transformacijo družbenega, političnega in ekonomskega življenja v Makedoniji. Med terenskim delom, ki sem ga opravljal v Krivi Palanki, sem se osredotočil na koncepta upanja in čakanja, ki sem ju tekom bivanja v Makedoniji prepoznal kot konstitutivni del postsocialistične izkušnje prebivalc...