Matthews, Francis Verstraeten, G. Borrelli, Pasquale Vanmaercke, Matthias Poesen, Jean Steegen, An Degré, Aurore Rodríguez, Belén Cárceles Bielders, Charles Bezak, Nejc
As a network of researchers we release an open-access database (EUSEDcollab) of water discharge and suspended sediment yield time series records collected in small to medium sized catchments in Europe. EUSEDcollab is compiled to overcome the scarcity of open-access data at relevant spatial scales for studies on runoff, soil loss by water erosion an...
Picula, Boško Luša, Đana
The war in Ukraine is the most significant threat to the peace of the Euro-Atlantic area in decades. After 4 years of Trump’s weakening of transatlantic relations, Biden’s presumed foreign policy doctrine includes their quick renewal, or re-Atlantisation. The article problematises the ‘new’ strategy of containment given Russia’s aggression, the sta...
Elster, Daniel Szőcs, Teodóra Gál, Nóra Hansen, Birgitte D. Voutchkova, Denitza Schullehner, Jörg Lions, Julie Martarelli, Lucio Giménez-Forcada, Elena Malcuit, Eline
This study discusses 1) the national legislative frameworks, terminologies, and criteria for the recognition of natural mineral waters and thermal waters in selected European countries (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, France, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, and Spain), and 2) it provides a ...
Zadnik, Matjaž
Pri diplomski nalogi smo sledili oblikovanju fizike v smeri moderne znanstvene discipline v (Zahodni) Evropi v 16. in 17. stol. V tem času in prostoru je zgodnjenovoveška naravoslovna znanost, ki jo zgodovinarji najraje izvorno imenujejo naravna filozofija, doživela temeljito prenovo. Spremembe v znanstveni vednosti, znanstveni metodi, instituciona...
Raška, Pavel Bezak, Nejc Ferreira, Carla S.S. Kalantari, Zahra Banasik, Kazimierz Bertola, Miriam Bourke, Mary Cerdà, Artemi Davids, Peter Madruga de Brito, Mariana
Glavni dogodek, ki je Evropo prizadel poleti 2021, opominja družbo, da se poplave ponavljajo in so med najdražjimi in najsmrtonosnejšimi naravnimi nevarnostmi. Prizadevanja za dolgoročno obvladovanje poplavne ogroženosti (FRM), ki dajejo prednost izključno tehničnim ukrepom za preprečevanje in blažitev poplav, so se izkazala za premalo učinkovita i...
Papadakaki, Maria Solinc, Miran Kohont, Andrej
Sexual harassment against female migrant domestic workers is a public health problem,which remains hidden and largely underreported. The current paper presents the results of a qualitative research study on sexually victimized migrant domestic workers in four European countries (Austria, Cyprus, Greece, and Sweden). The study aimed at exploring the...
Lewis, Feylyn Mercedies Becker, Saul Hlebec, Valentina Mrzel, Maja
For the first time, this article will provide a cross-national profile of adolescents who provide unpaid care to their ill or disabled family members in six European countries with varied levels of awareness, policy and service provision regarding adolescent young carers. Utilising an online survey, 2,099 adolescent young carers were identified in ...
Pereira, Patrícia Fandos Esteruelas, Núria Nakamura, Mónia Rio-Maior, Helena Krofel, Miha
The grey wolf (Canis lupus) persists in a variety of human-dominated landscapes and is subjected to various legal management regimes throughout Europe. Our aim was to assess the effects of intrinsic and methodological determinants on the hair cortisol concentration (HCC) of wolves from four European populations under different legal management. We ...
Houžvička, Václav
Merlingen, Michael