Massa Bou, Miguel
[ES] El proyecto surge del ejercicio de redibujar un lienzo en blanco sobre unos tejidos preexistentes de huerta tradicional valenciana, cerca de la playa de la Patacona. El edificio se implanta en continuidad con la Iglesia de Vera, y en él se encuentra la Escuela de gastronomía experimental, con servicio de restaurante y con hotel para una capaci...
Expósito Rausell, Iván
[CA] El projecte naix com a nexe entre l'horta i la ciutat. Es tracta d'un espai on s’agrupen els programes d'un hotel, una escola i una horta. En aquest projecte es busca crear sinergies entre aquests tres elements de tal forma que els alumnes facen les seues pràctiques a l'hotel, els hostes puguen tindre contacte amb l'horta i aquesta proveïsca a...
Luis Villarroel, Alfonso
[ES] El artículo 74 del Decreto 219/2018, de 30 de noviembre, del Consell, por el que se aprueba el Plan de acción territorial de ordenación y dinamización de la Huerta de València, sienta las bases para la regulación del progrma "Alquerías-escuela¿ por parte del Consell de l¿Horta. Esta regulación pretende dotar de homogeneidad, a la vez que de ri...
Silva de Andrade Costa Duvernoy, Doriele... Lopes de Souza, Gildo
A violência é um fenômeno social complexo e de múltiplas causalidades. Nesta pesquisa, objetivamos analisar em que medida o projeto de intervenção “Práticas Restaurativas na Escola” contribuiu para reflexão e planejamento de Círculos de Construção de Paz na escola. Trata-se de uma pesquisa-ação, a partir de questionário semiestruturado, grupo focal...
Danelon, Márcio Fernandes Lima, Sílvia Cristina
This article seeks to reflect on the concept of self-training as a process of “cultivation of the self”, analyzed from the extemporaneous third entitled Schopenhauer as an Educator. Self-formation is investigated as a process that is effective as long as the affirmation of existence occurs. Taking as an example the figures of the artist, the philos...
Medeiros, Jarles Lopes de
This article discusses the school as a space of silence, prejudice and violence for LGBTQIA+ people, especially transsexuals and transvestites, taking the 1990s-2000s as a time frame. The school (of yesterday) dealt with here, in general, historically, is located in contemporary times. However, seen in the long term, contemporaneity presents change...
Cerisier, Jean-François
Début juin 2022, lorsque le colloque sur les politiques publiques du numérique pour l’éducation organisé par l’Institut des amériques, la Fondation EU-LAC et l’Agence française de développement s’ouvre au Palais du Luxembourg, la pandémie de Covid-19 marque encore fortement les esprits et conditionne les réalités scolaires. En France, le confinemen...
Aranguren Peraza, Gilberto
Spiritual education is conceived as a transversal axis of the school curriculum, linking any knowledge with the spiritual dimension of the person. In this sense, the purpose of this essay is to analyze the scope of spirituality education in the consolidation of an intelligent school; to this end, the following thematic axes are discussed: (a) the i...
Hall López, Javier Arturo Ochoa Martínez, Paulina Yesica
Objective: To compare by gender the participation in moderate to vigorous physical activity in physical education motor tasks of sixth grade students. Method: The research design was comparative descriptive, with convenience sampling, 268 primary school students with an average age of 11.3 ± 0.4 years enrolled in sixth grade participated, the Syste...
Piani, Miriam Carosio Dussel, Cristina
Think about Physical Education, in a performative and complex key, It implies an epistemological reconversion that would be reflected in the didactics, with the focus not only on own knowledge (biological -psycho-sociomotor and corporeities/motricity), but in addition, in the understanding of senses and meanings involved in the classes. The main ob...